Monthly Archives: August 2020

Game On

Big week.  The Republican convention?  Nope.  Bigger.

This week…brace yourself…you will have the extreme pleasure of reading my 200th BLOG POST!


Eat you heart out, Beatles.

Or stated another way…about 185 Michael Moore fat jokes.  Scratch that…not fat.  Calorically challenged.  Gotta be PC, don’t want to be canceled by the Commie Freak Posse.

Started four years ago, almost to the day, a couple months before The Donald had his way with Hillary.

Electorally speaking, that is.  Ew.

OK, I know nobody gives a shit…I’m no Pollyanna.  But sometimes you gotta toot your own horn, ya know? Continue reading

Ka-Moderate Harris

According to the Lefty cranks over at the NY Times, Joe Biden’s VP pick, California Senator Kamala Harris is a “pragmatic moderate.”

Yep, and I’m Tom Brady’s backup in Tampa this year.  Assuming there is a year.

C’mon, those Commie Pinkos at The NY Times would characterize Fidel Castro as just a smidge left of center.

The Dumbocrat party takes the American public for complete blithering idiots as they peddle this “moderate” bullshit while at the same time navigating that grease-slicked tightrope of simultaneously courting the America-hating, Socialist AOC crowd.

Who even knew there were any moderate Dems still kicking?  Didn’t they go the way of the Dodo bird?

Anyway…Here’s how moderate this broad is… Continue reading

Back In Black

Democrats look absolutely ridiculous endlessly crowing about meaningless “registered” or “adult” voter (vs likely voter) polls months before the election.

Of course, the Dumbass Dems have elevated “looking ridiculous” to an art form.

The polls vs Hillary looked virtually the same in 2016 at this point.  I mean…have these numb nuts learned NOTHING?

Generally speaking, polls in The Age of Trump are no more useful than a roll of Charmin.

One thing they HAVEN’T been crowing about?  The black vote.  Quiet as a church mouse.

Ya know, the black vote?  The one that typically delivers an effortless 90%+ to the Dems?

Let’s just say many in the African-American community are waking up to the fact that not only has the Democrat Party done virtually nothing for them in the past 50 years, but in fact view them as nothing but useful idiots they can count on come election time.

Quite simply, a political booty call.  And we all know how THOSE end. Continue reading

Understanding Trump

I kid you not…three “friends” I’ve had for a couple of decades said the following things to me in the past few months…

Enjoy supporting a racist for president!”

“All of you Trump supporters are stupid motherf*ckers!”  

Hey, I’m not stupid!

“You’re a f*cking racist!  You’re a f*cking racist!  You’re a f*cking racist!”

OK…once would have been enough…although I’m typically a fan of “emphasis.”

I DO hate it, though, when Mom uses such vile language.

For the most part, I actually thrive on such reactions as I thoroughly enjoy watching these mental defectives suffer involuntary Trump Derangement Syndrome seizures, and hoping beyond hope I had just a small part in driving them to this state of extreme leg-wetting.

Little do they know….it makes me very happy.  Continue reading