Nightmare Scenario

OK, we’re going to get a little…or maybe a lot…wonky this week, politically speaking.

Wonky can oftentimes be code for boring…but this is wicked important, as they say in Boston…so it would behoove you to stick with me if you can.

But before embarking on this journey into the land of political prognostications as it relates to the 2020 election, I wanted to share a random thought from this past weekend.

So, I started thinking about a while ago hearing reports of how cow flatulence is blamed for being a major cause of “global warming.”  I mean, there are cows all over the world…seems like a completely insurmountable problem.

Hey, what can I say?  When I sit in the jacuzzi playing my usual game of seeing how much alcohol I can consume in a 45-minute period, weird thoughts swim through my noggin, OK?

Anyway, I had this revelation that Michael Moore MUST produce at least as much flatulence as all the cows on the planet.  So if we force feed Gas-X to Moore on a twice-daily basis, we could significantly mitigate this worldwide dilemma.

And THAT, my friends, is called thinking “out-of-the-box.”

OK, on to another subject that has us ALL reaching for the Gas-X…the 2020 election…

I think divided government generally serves our country well.  The stock market loves it for sure, and there’s an inability of either party to shove any extreme legislation up our collective rears.

OK, I’m primarily talking about the Loco Libs of Loonyland.

In other words, divided government severely limits “change.”  And that’s the point.

If Basement Biden beats The Donald, it is almost certain that the Dems will own the Government.  Obama was handed this governmental carte blanche for the first two years of his presidency…including a coveted 60-vote supermajority in the Senate.

And we got Obamacare.  Crap legislation, yes…though the world didn’t end.  But that was 2008/2009.  

Fast forward to 2020…it’s a whole different ballgame, kids.  Wacko Commie Bernie Sanders driving the Dem platform, Biden surrounding himself with far left radicals like AOC and Lizzy Warren in various policy development.

Regardless of who takes the White House, though, it’s a near certainty the Dems retain their rather healthy House majority and, a very high probability…oh, I don’t know, maybe 80%…they flip the Senate.

When the Dems won the House in the 2018 midterms with a hefty 40 seat gain, they actually LOST a couple seats in the Senate.  Why?  The map was horrible for them, in that they were defending WAY more seats than the GOP.  This script has flipped in 2020.

And there are several GOP Senators on very shaky ground…Martha McSally in Arizona, Susan Collins in Maine, and Cory Gardner in Colorado, to name just three.

The Republicans currently have 53 seats in the Senate.  They’re defending 23 seats to 12 for the Dems.  Flipping a few of those 23 GOP seats is almost as certain as rain in Seattle this week.

But for most legislation to pass in the Senate, you need 60 votes…right?

Well…yes…but the party owning the Senate majority can simply change the rules…in this case, the filibuster rule, which is a method of prolonged debate that can kill legislation unless the majority party has 60 votes.

Shit-can this rule, and all you need is a simple majority…in the case of the Senate, 51 votes…to pass legislation.

Both parties have been loathe to pull this rip cord as they know years down the road, they will be the ones getting screwed when, inevitably, the political shoe is on the other foot.

But we’re talking about the Democratic Socialists in 2020, after all, who will stop at nothing…not only to seize power…but to remake this country.

And you can bet your sweet ass that if Chuckie Schumer becomes Majority Leader, the filibuster rule goes bye bye.  If Biden gets rolled into the White House basement on the presidential gurney, this is a near 100% certainty.

Crystal ball not required.

And Biden himself has signaled in the past week or so he’d support such a move if the planets align for the Dems in November.



Electing Donald Trump is literally the ONLY thing that will prevent this absolute nightmare scenario.

So here’s my “tough love” plea…if you’re someone that likes Trump’s policies enough, but hate him personally, and seemingly lack the intestinal fortitude to pull yourself out of bed in the morning and face the abomination of yet ANOTHER tweet about Fake News CNN’s ratings…

…stop your whining, put on your effing big boy (or girl) pants, suck it up, hold your nose…DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO…and vote for Trump.

Do your part in saving the country.  I guess that’s an overstatement right up until the point it effing happens.

I can already hear it…

Yes…fine…we’ve lost the country to Socialism, bone-crushing taxes and regulations, open borders, and lawlessness…BUT THANK GOD WE DON’T HAVE THOSE F*CKING TWEETS ANYMORE!!!  WOOHOO!!!

Pure folly.  Nothing less.

I say this with all due respect, of course.

Anyway…doubt my prediction at your own risk.  And yes…I WILL say I told you so.

I mean, if you can’t trust The Drunken Republican, who CAN you trust?


1 thought on “Nightmare Scenario

  1. Tom

    Are you talkin to me? I said, Are you talkin to me?

    I agree that divided government is the best government. Having spent 41 years of my 42 years as a registered Republican, I look forward to rejoining the party. That could be on Nov 4th 2020 or Nov 5th 2024. According to a good friend of mine, there’s a 99.5% probability that I won’t be able to rejoin the GOP until 2024.

    Regardless of the outcome in 2020, I have hope for 2024. There’s a new generation of leaders coming down the pike and I’m confident we will survive until then. We all need to vote our conscience and I have faith in the American democratic process and the future.


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