Daily Archives: July 30, 2020

Nightmare Scenario

OK, we’re going to get a little…or maybe a lot…wonky this week, politically speaking.

Wonky can oftentimes be code for boring…but this is wicked important, as they say in Boston…so it would behoove you to stick with me if you can.

But before embarking on this journey into the land of political prognostications as it relates to the 2020 election, I wanted to share a random thought from this past weekend.

So, I started thinking about a while ago hearing reports of how cow flatulence is blamed for being a major cause of “global warming.”  I mean, there are cows all over the world…seems like a completely insurmountable problem.

Hey, what can I say?  When I sit in the jacuzzi playing my usual game of seeing how much alcohol I can consume in a 45-minute period, weird thoughts swim through my noggin, OK? Continue reading