Catch 22

I have this bad habit of discussing politics with people, and regardless of whether we agree or not, I assume they are at least somewhat aware of the gory detail, history, and nuance that I rely on in making sense of it all and forming my opinions.

Most aren’t.  Often, stunningly so.  

The Average Schlub, of course, doesn’t immerse themselves in this political gobbledygook to the level I do.  Or they rot their brains watching CNN and BSNBC.

But you can be “informed,” without being “obsessed.”

Well…obsessed according to my wife.  I categorically reject that.  She also accuses me of being obsessed with Ivanka Trump.  I DO have enough self-awareness to cop to the latter.

Anyway, I can’t explain it…politics just energizes me.  It’s like House of Cards, but for real…and without having to look at that creepy Kevin Spacey.

I mean, you can only watch so much porn.


Truth be told, there’s not much difference between politics and porn THESE days.

Anyway…What got me thinking about this is the way the Democrat Party is desperately and nonsensically trying to sell Joe Biden as a “moderate,” and at the very same time he’s formally and overtly colluding with Commie Pinko Bernie Sanders in crafting much of his nutty and disastrous Far Left policy platform.

The Biden/Sanders Communist Manifesto.  Karl Marx would be busting his buttons if he wasn’t 137 years into his eternal dirt nap.

It’s all so transparent…but do people see it?

And just to double down and rub everyone’s schnoz in it, Biden has tagged radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as his environmental policy guru, and Elizabeth Warren for economic policy.

Crazy Bernie?  Green New Deal AOC?  Pocahontas?  Really?

Those three Socialist wackos just scream “MODERATE,” don’t they?  

As Miranda Devine, a great columnist at the NY Post writes…“Joe Biden signed the death warrant for his campaign last week, even if he doesn’t know it. The joint manifesto he released with Bernie Sanders is 110 pages of radical far-left policies…from a job-killing $2 trillion climate agenda to eliminating cash bail and dismantling border protection…It betrays the working-class voters Biden claims to represent and destroys any pretense that he is a “moderate.  As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”

This isn’t even the proverbial Trojan Horse, where there would at least be SOME attempt at obfuscation.

Like your friendly neighborhood flasher with his dirty raincoat and tattered pair of Chuck Taylors…this pleasuring of these Socialist Scumbags is hanging out there in all it’s pathetic glory.

Biden and the whole Dumb-As-Crap Party has unequivocally acquiesced to the Far Left Radicals. Full stop.  Anyone that doesn’t admit that is either blind, lying, or just f*cking stupid.

Don’t be that person.

And therein lies the Catch 22.

The Democrat Party was soiling their skivvies over the prospect of Crazy Bernie snagging the nomination because they knew a Communist was toast in a general election.

On the other hand, they know their prospective nominee Dementia Joe is similarly toast unless he lets his Radical Far Left masters have their way with him in terms of policy platform.

Remember…the Bernie Bro’s have gotten screwed twice now, and have been pissed since 2016.

Recent polling indicates as many as 15% of Bernie supporters will vote for Trump…similar to what happened in 2016.  That’s what this massive far left lurch by Biden and the Dems is all about.

But in the process, they’ll alienate the very moderates in the Rust Belt and other states that they desperately need…people that voted for a Obama twice, then flipped to Trump.

Quite the conundrum, huh?  Ultimately, there’s REALLY no way to successfully navigate this, in my view.

It’s the political version of death by hanging, firing squad, or watching The View for 24 hours straight.  Pick your poison.

As a result, Basement Boy’s gonna take a total header off that tightrope dripping with Crisco and go SPLAT! like a big juicy bug on your windshield.

But back to my original point…will people pay attention enough to see through this bullshit?

They better.  If not, we’re screwed six ways from Sunday.


Time for the “silent majority” to grow a pair, dispense with the silence, and start raising effing hell…”IT’S GO TIME,” to quote the great Izzy Mandelbaum.

Another obscure Seinfeld reference three people will understand.  Ugh.


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