Daily Archives: July 23, 2020

Catch 22

I have this bad habit of discussing politics with people, and regardless of whether we agree or not, I assume they are at least somewhat aware of the gory detail, history, and nuance that I rely on in making sense of it all and forming my opinions.

Most aren’t.  Often, stunningly so.  

The Average Schlub, of course, doesn’t immerse themselves in this political gobbledygook to the level I do.  Or they rot their brains watching CNN and BSNBC.

But you can be “informed,” without being “obsessed.”

Well…obsessed according to my wife.  I categorically reject that.  She also accuses me of being obsessed with Ivanka Trump.  I DO have enough self-awareness to cop to the latter.

Anyway, I can’t explain it…politics just energizes me.  It’s like House of Cards, but for real…and without having to look at that creepy Kevin Spacey.

I mean, you can only watch so much porn.

JUST KIDDING!  JUST KIDDING!!  JUST KIDDING!!!  Pretty much. Continue reading