Identity Politics Cannibalism

Trump had a big soirée at the WH to unveil his “Hispanic Prosperity Initiative,” established by the signing of an Executive Order at the event.

Sounds like something we can all embrace…right?  Think again…

While addressing the group, one of the invitees, Robert Unanue, Hispanic CEO of Goya Foods…have some of their black beans in our pantry right now…had the audacity to say OUT LOUD that Americans are “truly blessed” to have Mr. Trump’s leadership.

Uh oh.  Wait for it….wait for it…IT’S GONNA BLOW!!!

THERE IT IS!!!  The Cancel Culture A-Holes just EXPLODED like Old Faithful…


In no time flat, unfettered leg-wetting flooded Depends from sea to shining sea amid wails of BOYCOTT! BOYCOTT!

Do these pricks realize most of the world endlessly mocks them?  What an epic lack of self-awareness.  But fun for the rest of us!

And it wasn’t just the usual privileged, empty-headed Hollywood Hypocrites with their big walls and security details, mind you…but prominent Hispanic swamp creatures like Alexandria Ocasio-Crackpot and former HUD Secretary and failed presidential candidate Julian Castro.

Fitting last name for THAT Socialist Schmuck.

Successful Hispanics attacking OTHER successful Hispanics.  Eating their own.

Identity politics cannibalism.  Did I just coin a new term?  Sweet…

While seemingly every Lily White, sniveling CEO on the planet riddled with guilt and privilege…and the spine of a dead jellyfish…bends over to every whim of the Black Lives Matter Marxists, not this dude.

“I’m not apologizing,” declared Mr. Unanue, defiantly.  Translation?  FU.  Go move to friggin’ Venezuela if you don’t like it.  But before you leave..KISS MY ASS!

As often happens, a counter “buy-cott” is launched.  You see, REAL Americans don’t take too kindly to America-Hating hypocrites defecating on ANYONE’s 1st Amendment free speech rights.

Founded in 1936 by Spanish immigrants, and now the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the U.S., Goya Foods should be held up as a shining beacon for immigrants achieving the American Dream, and celebrated…not destroyed…by these piss-ant identity politics wackos.

Example number 7,583 of how the entire “Diversity Movement” is a complete and utter sham and only applies to Libs.

This crap gives REAL Americans more gas than the Goya beans.


So Biden gives some speech last week to talk about his “economic plan.”  It was in front of a teleprompter, and still barely coherent.

They should REALLY consider subtitles for these events, like some artsy fartsy French flick at Cannes.

Anyway, this plagiarizing putz spews this whole “Make in America, Buy in America” shtick like it was some kind of original thought.

This guy hasn’t had an original thought since 1957, but does have a long, rich history of plagiarism. In fact, Biden’s first failed Presidential run in 1988 hit the bricks amid multiple instances of documented plagiarism.

I mean, did the Biden campaign crank-up a crop-duster and blanket the country with an amnesia cloud, and we suddenly all forgot that the whole “Make in America, Buy in America” Nationalism thing was like a major plank in Trump’s platform…IN F*CKING 2016!!!

And boy did Trump deliver…like the Uber Eats guy making nineteen trips to Blubber Boy Michael Moore’s house every day.

Our Businessman-In-Chief ACTUALLY executed policies that resulted in several hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs.

In a PBS Townhall during the 2016 campaign, Trump declared his commitment to bringing back the manufacturing jobs that were decimated during Obama’s reign due to crap trade deals and even crappier economic policies.

In response to Trump’s commitment to manufacturing jobs, Barry Hussein Obama condescendingly blathered, “What magic wand do you have?”

Allow me, Donald.

Well, Barry…I guess Trump had the magic wand that made every piece of shit policy and executive order from your monumentally disastrous eight years in the White House disappear.

Eat your heart out, David Copperfield.


And in the latest installment of The Drunken Republican “You CAN’T Effing Be Serious” News…

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz had the audacity, nerve, and balls…NOT necessarily in that order…to ask the federal government for “aid” to help them rebuild after the destruction in Minneapolis at the hands of the Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa Anarchists, after they hijacked the George Floyd protests.


So let me get this straight…

You allowed your cities to practically get burned to the ground because of you’re weak, feckless, and spineless “leadership”…AND total whore-ish submission to the BLM Marxists…and NOW you have the gall to demand money from the U.S. taxpayer to bail out your sorry wimpy ass financially?

You’re f*cking kidding, right?…said the federal government as they gave Minnesota a big, enthusiastic middle finger and a wonderful, obligatory crotch grab.

Jesus, these people make me want to heave up my Fruity Pebbles.

Ya know, there’s good chutzpah and bad chutzpah. 

This is bad chutzpah.



1 thought on “Identity Politics Cannibalism

  1. Tom

    With more than 3 months to go, anything can change and the race will ultimately tighten up considerably. However, it boggles my mind that Team Trump is so far behind at this point to a bumbling Joe Biden. I’m starting to think Trump is purposefully throwing the game. Bidden is winning by just letting Trump fumble almost every time he touches the ball. Both sides of the Goya story are crazy to the average American. The original Goya play was well designed by the Trump Team, but Trump mishandled the ball and he ends up causing further discord, division and dissent. He can’t win if he doesn’t broaden his base, no matter how good the playbook.

    I like most of Trump’s playbook, but Trump can’t seem to execute the plays anymore. Either, he lost his Mojo or he wants to lose. I believe he’s getting scared of losing and his staff will get him back on track, which will make for a much closer race. We’ll See!

    Regardless of the Trump/Biden outcome, it’s vitally important we keep a divided Congress. That will prevent either knucklehead from implementing their extreme agendas.


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