Mount Trumpmore

I am absolutely stunned at the degree to which people completely ignore that Black Lives Matter is a self-described Marxist organization whose singular purpose in life is to destroy America as we know it.

One of the BLM founders said in 2015, “We are trained Marxists.”

I rest my case, Your Honor.

The BLM Bitches of George Soros.  Sounds like a new series on Bravo.

As stated on their website, they want to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another.”

They advocate for abolishing all police and all prisons.

Yep, let’s all move to THAT place!  I can already see the bumper sticker.

Poverty.  Despair.  Death.  WE GOT IT ALL!!!

Yet Democrats and the Media inexplicably provide cover for these Communists, and Corporate America and storied sports franchises bend over to their every PC whim.

These pathetic cowards gleefully wail…”THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!”…a la Kevin Bacon in Animal House.  

Disney “re-theming” attractions deemed racist…teams like the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, and others…under pressure from their weak-knee’d corporate sponsors…likely changing the names they’ve had for a century that the Cancel Culture whack jobs deem offensive.

SHUT UP AND OBEY!…or we’ll call for massive boycotts of your corporate sponsors and call you racist all day and night until you scream for mercy.

This is straight up extortion under the guise of “reform” and “justice.”  Makes me want to effing hurl.

Maybe Washington can change their name to the Foreskins.  Oh wait, that’s offensive to the uncircumcised crowd.

I can see it now…the Million Man March of the Uncut. 


So…Did you see The Donald deliver his inspiring 4th of July speech at Mount Rushmore?

A no-brainer event for our Reality TV Prez.  RECORD RATINGS!!!

It was friggin’ awesome.  If you’ve never been to Mount Rushmore, you should go.  It’s in South Dakota in a city called Keystone.  They should rename it Goosebump City.  Go and you’ll understand.

Mount Trumpmore, sans the glitz and gold?  Hmmm…

Here’s what the Loony Leftist Psychos think of Rushmore…

In a tweet, the DNC characterized the event as “a rally glorifying white supremacy.”

A CNN correspondent “reported”…”President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he’ll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners…”

Yet unsurprisingly, on July 4th in 2016, Obama’s last year in office, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny crawled out from underneath Barry’s desk just long enough to gushingly call Mount Rushmore a “monument to four great American Presidents.”

What a difference a mere four years make, huh?

How about another mash-up of Independence Day and Lib Hypocrisy?

Ex-NFL scrub QB, America hater, and professional kneeler Colin Kaeperdick tweeted the following on July 4th…

“Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries, & are expected to join your commemoration of “independence”, while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy & look forward to liberation for all.”

But curiously, in 2011 when Barry Soetoro was President, this subversive has-been tweeted (and a near identical tweet in 2012)…

“Happy 4th of July everyone I hope everyone has a blessed day.”

Oh, yeah…I get it now.  Back then, Kaeperdick was on the cusp of raking in millions from the 49ers.  Country was f*cking great back then.  Yesirreebob!

He’s the Tom Brady of hypocrites.

Finding these endless examples of liberal hypocrisy is as easy as spotting either a bad toupee, or Michael Moore in an open field from low orbit.

Deroy Murdock, an African American conservative commentator, contributing editor of National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research, really nailed it…

“Everybody can enjoy the Fourth of July as long as you’re an American and you love this country, and [Kaepernick] just spills this hot acid across the whole nation and creates another opportunity for us to engage in a screaming match…

“If he doesn’t like America and he’s miserable, hop on a plane and go to Ghana…If things are so miserable for him here, he’s more than welcome to leave.  Personally, I would be happy to raise the money …”


Anyway…never a shrinking violet when it comes to gleefully driving his critics raving mad, Trump announced at Mount Rushmore an executive order to establish a National Garden of American Heroes to pay tribute to great figures in American history…completion projected prior to July 4, 2024.

From George Washington to Booker T. Washington.  James Madison to Dolley Madison.  And everything in-between.

Dripping with Diversity.

At a time when the America haters are literally ripping our history from its roots by destroying monuments and statues, Trump doubles down and announces…THIS?


Effing brilliant.  Gotta be a Kushner brainchild…he’s quite the smart ass.  Hey…any dude that bags Ivanka Trump is to be revered.

I hate him with every fiber of my being.  Ya know, I had a shot at her until that stupid restraining order.


1 thought on “Mount Trumpmore

  1. Tom

    I think Trump has lost his Mojo. He had the opportunity to broaden his base, but didnt. Now, there’s a distinct possibility that we’ll have a bumbling President Biden. I can live with Trump or Biden, as long as we have a split Congress. Trump better not blow the Republican’s hold on the Senate or we’ll all pay the price.


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