Fatal Flaw

It was always the fatal flaw of political correctness, and it’s evil twin…cancel culture.

Pontificating, virtue-signaling liberals were NEVER going to be able to live up to their own standards.  NEVER.

As it’s often said vis-a-vis the Left and the Media…if they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

Take #MeToo, for example.  When was the last time you heard a Lefty have a hysterical conniption over #MeToo?

Ever since Biden had his own #MeToo issue, no way, no how was the Left going to allow it to damage Basement Boy in any way…it’s like the whole “movement” never existed.

#MeToo has vanished faster than Michael Moore at closing time at the Golden Coral feeding trough.

How about late night host Jimmy Kimmel….a whining liberal mouthpiece and obedient darling of the Hollywood Left.

He co-hosted this AWESOME show with Adam Carolla over 20 years ago on Comedy Central called “The Man Show.”  Terribly sexist and beyond politically incorrect.

And I LOVED every minute of it.  Off-the-charts hilarious IMHO.

So…a two decade old skit was uncovered where he imitated ex-NBA Star Karl “The Mailman” Malone.  Not just blackface, mind you…full black body, Utah Jazz jersey…the whole shebang.  In addition, some rap-like song parody where he used the N-word.


Predictably, massive leg-wetting ensued…a veritable Niagara Falls of urine.

Now he’s taking the “summer off” from his show…clearly a desperate attempt to let the controversy die down.

Thing is…the Libs crash and burn either way.

If they give Kimmel a pass, they can no longer “cancel” ANYONE.  Everyone will laugh in their stupid, smarmy, hypocritical faces.

If they don’t, they’ve clearly reached the inevitable cannibalism stage of “eating their own.”

Look…going back to the late 90’s and holding Kimmel…or anyone…to today’s standards is insane on its face…but these subversive anarchists want to erase George Washington and Thomas Jefferson because they were slave owners?


I mean, it was the late 1700’s.  Read a goddamn history book, morons.  Too busy burning down cities to bother, are ya?

Or destroying statues of…get this…Ulysses S. Grant?  Abe Lincoln?  Two dudes that ENDED EFFING SLAVERY!!!

Francis Scott Key?  O Say Can You See What Ignorant Marxist A-Holes These People Are?

And Ghandi.  My God.  The Mahatma?  Do they have no shame?  That‘s a cornucopia of bad karma.

But the gold medal winner in the History-Purge-Palooza HAS to be…drum roll pleeeeez…MOUNT RUSHMORE!!!

If I was King for a day, I’d commission the chiseling of Trump’s mug on Rushmore, grab some generously buttered popcorn and a case of disgustingly hoppy IPA’s, sit back, and watch these Marxist Maniacs completely lose their shit.

Now THAT’S entertainment!

So, I LOVE this, and a nice segue to boot…

The founder of BET…Black Entertainment Television…Robert Johnson.


“Look, the people who are basically tearing down statues, trying to make a statement are basically borderline anarchists, the way I look at it.  They really have no agenda other than the idea we’re going to topple a statue. It’s not going to close the wealth gap. It’s not going to give a kid whose parents can’t afford college money to go to college. It’s not going to close the labor gap between what White workers are paid and what Black workers are paid. And it’s not going to take people off welfare or food stamps.”

“Black people, in my opinion, Black people laugh at White people who do this the same way we laugh at White people who say we got to take off the TV shows.  White Americans seem to think that if they just do sort of emotionally or drastic things that Black people are going to say, ‘Oh my God, White people love us because they took down a statue of Stonewall Jackson.’ Frankly, Black people don’t give a damn. It falls into that, an attempt by White Americans to assuage guilt by doing things that make them feel good.”

Yeah.  What HE said.

Suck long and hard on THAT reality check Libs.

1 thought on “Fatal Flaw

  1. Tom Barthel

    Earlier today, I mentioned to my wife that Trump’s visit to Mount Rushmore would absolutely lead to his narcissistic mind envisioning his mug on the mountain. However, the more realistic setting is the Cedar Canyon Orange Rock Formations in the Utah dessert to properly capture his glow and skin tone. I can almost envision it now.


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