Daily Archives: July 2, 2020

Fatal Flaw

It was always the fatal flaw of political correctness, and it’s evil twin…cancel culture.

Pontificating, virtue-signaling liberals were NEVER going to be able to live up to their own standards.  NEVER.

As it’s often said vis-a-vis the Left and the Media…if they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

Take #MeToo, for example.  When was the last time you heard a Lefty have a hysterical conniption over #MeToo?

Ever since Biden had his own #MeToo issue, no way, no how was the Left going to allow it to damage Basement Boy in any way…it’s like the whole “movement” never existed.

#MeToo has vanished faster than Michael Moore at closing time at the Golden Coral feeding trough. Continue reading