Monthly Archives: July 2020

Nightmare Scenario

OK, we’re going to get a little…or maybe a lot…wonky this week, politically speaking.

Wonky can oftentimes be code for boring…but this is wicked important, as they say in Boston…so it would behoove you to stick with me if you can.

But before embarking on this journey into the land of political prognostications as it relates to the 2020 election, I wanted to share a random thought from this past weekend.

So, I started thinking about a while ago hearing reports of how cow flatulence is blamed for being a major cause of “global warming.”  I mean, there are cows all over the world…seems like a completely insurmountable problem.

Hey, what can I say?  When I sit in the jacuzzi playing my usual game of seeing how much alcohol I can consume in a 45-minute period, weird thoughts swim through my noggin, OK? Continue reading

Catch 22

I have this bad habit of discussing politics with people, and regardless of whether we agree or not, I assume they are at least somewhat aware of the gory detail, history, and nuance that I rely on in making sense of it all and forming my opinions.

Most aren’t.  Often, stunningly so.  

The Average Schlub, of course, doesn’t immerse themselves in this political gobbledygook to the level I do.  Or they rot their brains watching CNN and BSNBC.

But you can be “informed,” without being “obsessed.”

Well…obsessed according to my wife.  I categorically reject that.  She also accuses me of being obsessed with Ivanka Trump.  I DO have enough self-awareness to cop to the latter.

Anyway, I can’t explain it…politics just energizes me.  It’s like House of Cards, but for real…and without having to look at that creepy Kevin Spacey.

I mean, you can only watch so much porn.

JUST KIDDING!  JUST KIDDING!!  JUST KIDDING!!!  Pretty much. Continue reading

Identity Politics Cannibalism

Trump had a big soirée at the WH to unveil his “Hispanic Prosperity Initiative,” established by the signing of an Executive Order at the event.

Sounds like something we can all embrace…right?  Think again…

While addressing the group, one of the invitees, Robert Unanue, Hispanic CEO of Goya Foods…have some of their black beans in our pantry right now…had the audacity to say OUT LOUD that Americans are “truly blessed” to have Mr. Trump’s leadership.

Uh oh.  Wait for it….wait for it…IT’S GONNA BLOW!!!

THERE IT IS!!!  The Cancel Culture A-Holes just EXPLODED like Old Faithful…


Mount Trumpmore

I am absolutely stunned at the degree to which people completely ignore that Black Lives Matter is a self-described Marxist organization whose singular purpose in life is to destroy America as we know it.

One of the BLM founders said in 2015, “We are trained Marxists.”

I rest my case, Your Honor.

The BLM Bitches of George Soros.  Sounds like a new series on Bravo.

As stated on their website, they want to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another.”

They advocate for abolishing all police and all prisons.

Yep, let’s all move to THAT place!  I can already see the bumper sticker.

Poverty.  Despair.  Death.  WE GOT IT ALL!!! Continue reading

Fatal Flaw

It was always the fatal flaw of political correctness, and it’s evil twin…cancel culture.

Pontificating, virtue-signaling liberals were NEVER going to be able to live up to their own standards.  NEVER.

As it’s often said vis-a-vis the Left and the Media…if they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

Take #MeToo, for example.  When was the last time you heard a Lefty have a hysterical conniption over #MeToo?

Ever since Biden had his own #MeToo issue, no way, no how was the Left going to allow it to damage Basement Boy in any way…it’s like the whole “movement” never existed.

#MeToo has vanished faster than Michael Moore at closing time at the Golden Coral feeding trough. Continue reading