The Black Lives Matter Sham

Much as I tried, I cannot be silent on the victory lap the Lying Media Douchebags are taking because Trump’s Tulsa rally ONLY drew 10,000 or so.

Yes, at least 10,000…not the 6,200 that purportedly had tickets scanned.

Number 1…I saw it with my own eyes…well, on TV.  Number 2…Fox reporter ON THE SCENE, John Roberts…a three decade veteran who spent 20 years at CNN and CBS, and no Trump acolyte…said the place looked 2/3 full, around 12,000.

And a similar number passed through magnetometers.  So let’s be conservative…no pun intended…and safely call it 10,000.

Or roughly the number of calories lard ass Michael Moore shoves in his pie hole every day by noon.

A taboo large gathering during a pandemic with leg-wetting apocalyptic news coverage for a week…endless reports of expected protests and civil unrest…stifling heat.

Likely thousands of “at risk” older folks in their 60’s and 70’s understandably staying away.

The perfect storm of depressed attendance.  Fine. 

HE.  STILL.  GOT.  10,000.  EFFING.  PEOPLE.

The No Shit Truth?

Joe Biden couldn’t fill a f*cking Waffle House with social distancing if he offered free beer and naked Twister with porn stars.

So please, sniveling Trump hating liars…just STFU.

And one MORE thing…

We’ve all seen at least snippets of Biden’s multiple ventures into online rallies and town halls from his Dungeon of Dementia…ALL laughably consumed by technical snafus.

Anyway…according to The Atlantic, an online Biden rally in mid-May drew a viewership peak of 2,637 people.

Meanwhile, between online, Fox News, and C-Span, the Trump Tulsa rally drew a viewership of about 20 million people.

Yep, 20 million.  Are we done here?  I think so.

At this point, I’m just piling on…

Let’s be candid…this upcoming election is no longer about Trump’s tweets or Biden’s epic cognitive collapse.  Nor is it about Chinese virus’s or Depression-like unemployment.

We’ll be way past the worst of THAT pain when the election rolls around.

This election will be about the complete and utter acquiescence…no, surrender…by the Democrat Party vote whores to mob rule and anarchy and the existential threat it poses to our country.

And it’s the Black Lives Matter sham that’s dragging us through this muck.

These America-hating extremists cleverly conflate the noble “sentiment” of Black Lives Matter with their radical political agenda, as a way to provide cover for the latter.

People need to friggin’ wake up.  The BLM “Political Movement” doesn’t give one steamy crap about black lives.

Last weekend, it was another bloodbath in Chicago.  A dozen blacks killed by black gang-bangers…several kids gunned down, including a couple of three-year-olds.

My God.  Heartbreaking.  And this has been going on in every Democrat-run big city for decades.

Where the F is that race baiter fraud Al Sharpton, who’s made a fortune from stoking racial division?  

Where are the tens of thousands protesting for the murdered three-year-olds in Chicago?


Nowhere, because black lives only matter to these America-hating vermin if they’re killed by a white cop, which they actually cheer…you’re goddamn right they do…because it green lights yet another nauseating cycle of rioting, looting, burning businesses, and beating innocents.

It’s not about race.  It’s not about black lives.

It IS about Marxists that want to destroy America.

Don’t believe me?   Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors said in a 2015 interview, “We’re trained Marxists.”

Just last night in an interview, Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome said…and I quote…“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?”

Trojan Horse 101.

The most pathetic and infuriating part of all this is that most politicians, corporate America, and the country club crowd riddled with white guilt and privilege seem disgustingly eager to sacrifice our freedoms, liberty and safety…that millions have died for…just so they’re not called racist.

I mean, that’s all they got.  That’s the only weapon these piss-ant anarchists have.  A single word.

A word that’s been wielded to shut people down for far too long.

Thing is, it’s incessant overuse has completely devalued and neutered it…rendering it meaningless, and as impotent as a eunuch.

So who cares?

These Moronic Marxist Marauders simply wants to erase our history, destroy everything that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, and transform it into some radical Socialist shit hole that will drape us in poverty, chaos, lawlessness and death.

The Parade of Pandering Putz’s of the Democrat party and their sick media lovers pleasuring them under their expensive antique desks are fully and unapologetically complicit in this mayhem, and say nothing because they’re as desperate for the Far Left Bernie Bro vote as an addict is for his next fix.

Condoning violence and lawlessness for votes.

These are sick f*cking people.

And if the unimaginable happens and Biden is elected, this weak and senile bumbling bag of bones will serve as simply a powerless host to these radical parasites.

Trump is the only guy in Washington who has both the stomach and stones to call out, stare down and crush these worthless pieces of shit.

And it’s why he’ll win in November.

For these scumbag BLM Marxists, the goal isn’t Cancel Culture…it’s Cancel Country.

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