Daily Archives: June 25, 2020

The Black Lives Matter Sham

Much as I tried, I cannot be silent on the victory lap the Lying Media Douchebags are taking because Trump’s Tulsa rally ONLY drew 10,000 or so.

Yes, at least 10,000…not the 6,200 that purportedly had tickets scanned.

Number 1…I saw it with my own eyes…well, on TV.  Number 2…Fox reporter ON THE SCENE, John Roberts…a three decade veteran who spent 20 years at CNN and CBS, and no Trump acolyte…said the place looked 2/3 full, around 12,000.

And a similar number passed through magnetometers.  So let’s be conservative…no pun intended…and safely call it 10,000.

Or roughly the number of calories lard ass Michael Moore shoves in his pie hole every day by noon. Continue reading