It’s a BLOG, not a BOOK, for shit’s sake.

When I’ve tried to write about too many topics in a single blog post in the past, I’ve failed miserably and had to whittle it down.  Words are free…sometimes I overindulge.

Getting back on that horse, Dammit!  

I’m loving all the shuckin’ and jivin’ around the whole “Defund The Police” idiocy.  Most Democrat politicians are falling all over themselves feverishly explaining how this doesn’t REALLY mean getting RID of the police.

They doth protest too much, methinks.

Who knows what these liars REALLY think, anyway?  I mean, they typically think what some focus group TELLS them to think.

Here’s what they KNOW…this is a big, stinky political crap sandwich for them.  And the Republicans are gonna make more hay of this than Mr. Ed could eat in a year…regardless of varying characterizations.

The fact is that the Anarchist Lunatics that created the “Defund The Police” nonsense in the first place are saying that dismantling police depts is PRECISELY what they meant.

And The NY Times just doubled down by publishing an Op-Ed titled…and I’m not kidding…”Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police.”    

Holy Effing Christ, Batman!!!

So let me get this straight…right on the heels of witnessing what REAL lawlessness looks like…LOOTINGS AND FIRES AND BEATINGS, OH MY!…these Leftist morons want to significantly weaken, if not eliminate, the police?  Do I have that right?

Quite the juxtaposition, huh?

Well, nice to see the Cancel Culture jerk-offs are hot on the job despite a pandemic, economic calamity, and race riots.

BRAVO!!!  Now THAT’S dedication.

I literally can’t keep up…there’s been such a flurry.  Off the top of my head…

Gone With The Wind, that famously racist classic, is…well…literally “gone with the wind,” at least as far as HBO is concerned.

Anything portraying police in ANY positive light whatsoever….Some cartoon called Paw Patrol…yep, I said CARTOON.   Those massively popular live police shows like “Cops” and “Live PD.”  


Confederate flags…banned By NASCAR.  The old 70’s show “Dukes of Hazzard” that sported a bad ass Dodge Charger…aptly called “The General Lee”…with a Confederate flag on the roof.


That crashing sound you hear is Confederate statues tumbling over across the nation.  Big push to rename historic Army bases named after Confederate Generals.

The latter was done, by the way, as a way to unify the nation after the Civil War.

Historical context is meaningless to these miscreants.

So how does this work exactly?  People wake up in the morning and literally can’t function because The Dukes of Hazzard is still running on TV Land?

If these piss-ant subversives could, they would topple slave owner Washington’s Monument.


Instead of whitewashing every speck of history that no longer comports with our modern standards, maybe we should preserve our history as a way of recognizing how far we’ve come in our great American experiment.

Pathetically, that totally sane sentiment sounds overwhelmingly insane to half the country in 2020.


How about Seattle, home of the original Starbucks, where local officials seem all too happy to let a pack of anarchists commandeer about six square blocks of the city, which contained a police precinct that was stunningly abandoned by the Mayor.

They initially named the area “CHAZ”…Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

Before I knew what CHAZ stood for, I thought this new “country” had named actor Chazz Palminteri as President, and Chaz Bono as VP…the latter, of course, famous trans daughter…uh, son…of Sonny and Cher.

No such luck.  Would have been cool though.  Really cool.

For their part, the Lefty media is getting big old raging woodies over this, likening this anarchistic insanity to a “Street Party.”

My God.

There’s not enough voltage on the planet to electroshock these lunatics back into any semblance of coherence.

Jenny Durkan…Seattle’s daffy broad of a Mayor…when asked how long this will last by CNN Fake News Narcissist Chris “My Brother’s The Governor So Don’t F With Me” Cuomo, she replied, “I don’t know.  We could have the Summer of Love.”


Trump said he’ll clean this shit up if Seattle officials won’t.  I vehemently disagree.

Ya know, Federalism?  States rights?  If the shit for brains Socialists that run the city of Seattle, including Washington Governor Inslee, let this breathtaking idiocy continue…F’em.  Let’em drown.

Made your bed…now lay in it, wackos.


Lastly…and sticking with our theme of STOP THE F*CKING MADNESS!!!

So, remember when the media went completely loco as mostly conservatives protested authoritarian-like shutdown orders in many blue states?


The leg-wetting among Democrats and the media was like if they drank a case of Bud Light, and the nearest bathroom was at a Texaco station 50 miles away.

Yet, these protests were a teeny weeny fraction of the gargantuan size of the George Floyd protests/looting/burning/anarchist lawlessness free-for-all.

AND.  THE.  MEDIA.  DIDN’T.  SAY.  JACK.  CRAP.  Or worse, said they didn’t care.

And now that The Donald is getting back on that campaign rally horse this weekend in Tulsa…over a million ticket requests, BTW…they’re effing screaming AGAIN about social distancing.

Totally legitimate for honest folks to have concerns.  But the blazing absurdity of this double standard knocks you over like an airplane lavatory after some behemoth just dropped a deuce.

Ew.  And on THAT lovely note…TIME!  Think I opined on four issues.  Was hoping for more.

My self-assessment?  Solid “C”.

Hey, as one of my heroes George Costanza once said about getting a “C”…”Right in that meaty part of the curve…not showing off, not falling behind.”

Thanks George.  I’m good with it too.

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