Daily Archives: June 18, 2020


It’s a BLOG, not a BOOK, for shit’s sake.

When I’ve tried to write about too many topics in a single blog post in the past, I’ve failed miserably and had to whittle it down.  Words are free…sometimes I overindulge.

Getting back on that horse, Dammit!  

I’m loving all the shuckin’ and jivin’ around the whole “Defund The Police” idiocy.  Most Democrat politicians are falling all over themselves feverishly explaining how this doesn’t REALLY mean getting RID of the police.

They doth protest too much, methinks.

Who knows what these liars REALLY think, anyway?  I mean, they typically think what some focus group TELLS them to think.

Here’s what they KNOW…this is a big, stinky political crap sandwich for them.  And the Republicans are gonna make more hay of this than Mr. Ed could eat in a year…regardless of varying characterizations. Continue reading