The Systemic Racism Ruse

Just when I thought the Far Left Cranks FINALLY zeroed in on their optimal lithium dose…they’re now screaming to DEFUND THE POLICE!

This has to unequivocally be the single dumbest idea ever articulated.  And there’s a lot of competition for that title.

The sheer idiocy of that notion speaks so loudly for itself, it’s not worthy of any more keystrokes.

I will say that some policing reforms are obviously necessary…like…oh….I don’t know…maybe outlawing oxygen-depriving choke holds, and not allowing police unions to protect consistently rogue cops, for starters.

But whoever thinks those independent swing voters in battleground states are down with defunding/dismantling the police in ANY way, shape, or form, is nuttier than a Planters factory.

And notwithstanding tepid attempts to distance himself from this madness, this is political misery all day long for Biden, as he struggles to court the desperately needed Far Left Bernie Bro’s…the Abolish ICE, Defund The Police wacko wing of his party…and convince them how goddamn progressive and “woke” he is.

Unfortunately for him, his near half-century record in Washington screams otherwise.

So…I find all of this discussion on systemic racism interesting.  OK, I’m just a dopey, privileged white guy, so I’ll tread lightly.  Sort of.  But here goes…

To me, when people scream that we have systemic racism, what they’re REALLY saying, more simply, is that we live in an inherently racist society.

I vehemently disagree with that statement…albeit with some often missing nuance.

YES…there are clearly some desperately needed policing reforms necessary.

In fact, Republican South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, an African American, has spoken often of being pulled over dozens of times by police for seemingly no reason…EVEN AFTER HE WAS A SENATOR.

We know this happens.  And it’s wrong.  Let’s just admit it.

More broadly, however, Blacks have never been LESS oppressed, and afforded MORE opportunity, than right NOW.

Are there racists out there?  Sure.  But guess what?  There’s ALWAYS gonna be that racist sitting in a tree playing his poorly tuned banjo, and in dire need of dental attention.

But should that translate into SOCIETY being wholly condemned as racist? 

Hell no.  From a purely holistic standpoint, the facts simply don’t support it.

Would a systemically racist society EVER elect a black President?  I mean…EVER! TWICE?!  A black president, by the way, who had two black Attorneys General.

Large companies bend over backwards to hire African Americans and other minorities every day.

Colleges and Universities contort themselves into silly straws (remember those?) to accept African Americans and other minorities.

How about the “Cancel Culture” Fascists that shit on the 1st Amendment daily by policing language THEY perceive as “racially insensitive.”

And on and on.

Hey, great as we are as a country, we’re HORRIBLE at nuance.

That’s why trying to explain the concept that…yes, Blacks STILL confront racism at times, but we are not an inherently racist society…elicits disorienting confusion, if not unfettered rage.

To conclude that society is inherently racist” is to completely ignore the facts, and how we’ve advanced light years from the civil rights movement in the 60’s.

It ain’t 1965.  We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

And it’s done to simply perpetrate a false political narrative…which the Democrat party and their kissing cousins in the media peddle EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Inherent in the cries of “Systemic Racism” is the constant bestowing of victimhood status upon African Americans by Democrats, who scheme to obtain and retain power by expanding the entitlement and welfare state to redistribute income.

It’s goddamn insulting.  The Democrat party treats Blacks like needy, helpless children…not like intelligent adults.

They WANT to keep them “down” economically and dependent on government.


That’s their shtick, anyway.

Except they haven’t taken care of them.  Just look at every major city run into the ground by Leftist Mayors all over the country for decades.

And Blacks, who they purport to help, suffer the most.

What a f*cking epic vote buying scam.

I mean, at this point in American history, who doesn’t friggin’ see this?

BTW, Trump has done more for the African American community in 3+ years than the Dopey Dems have done in 50.  End of story.

Finally…the two BIG narrative busting words nobody wants to be in the same room with?


There are gobs and gobs of highly successful African Americans.  I’ve already talked about the poster child in this regard, Barack Obama.

Another great example…Ben Carson.

Grew up in a broken home, in an impoverished, crime, and gang ridden neighborhood. And ended up a world renowned neurosurgeon, presidential candidate, and Secretary of HUD.

Ben Carson succeeded because of personal responsibility and opportunity…despite an unstable upbringing he could have effortlessly used as a ready excuse for failure.

OK, not everyone’s gonna be Ben Carson, but you get my drift.

The truth is that the biggest impediment to the success of African Americans is NOT systemic racism, but their disastrous 70%+ out-of-wedlock birth rate that destroys any semblance of a stable and nurturing family unit, which every effing study shows often results in a cycle of rampant crime, addiction, and generational poverty.

This fact is kryptonite to the Left, and smashes their “racist society” and  “victimhood” narratives like that old prop comic Gallagher taking a sledge hammer to a cantaloupe.

And if I’m a racist for simply articulating that reality….well, Jimmy Crack Corn.

Liberals cloak themselves in so-called “science” when clutching their pearls over global warming.

Yet they ignore this proven “social” science to further their own political agenda.

I guess that makes liberals science deniers.










1 thought on “The Systemic Racism Ruse

  1. Sean Finnerty

    I read your Sunday opinion in the Orl Sentinel. I guess the question is this. Police deliver babies, get cats out of trees, are called for all kinds of mental health issues, are called bc some tool says “that guy looks suspiscious”, etc.. where does it end? I think if the police simply enforced law and only engaged the public when they are truly needed, they could reduce their budgets. Use that reduction for other agencies to deal w the bs part of officers jobs. You can call that whatever label you’d like but every officer I’ve asked that question to has agreed that their jobs have become ever- engaging. Your pt of great officers out there is right on tho. I’ve experienced many good ones. But there are still too many that have allowed the increased stresses on their profession to make them hostile towards the public, evidenced by the video over the past 2 wks. Let’s help them out so they can be the most effective group possible.
    If the word Refund, instead of Defund, works for you, then I’m all for it. I’d love to hear your opinion on that. Thank you


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