Daily Archives: June 11, 2020

The Systemic Racism Ruse

Just when I thought the Far Left Cranks FINALLY zeroed in on their optimal lithium dose…they’re now screaming to DEFUND THE POLICE!

This has to unequivocally be the single dumbest idea ever articulated.  And there’s a lot of competition for that title.

The sheer idiocy of that notion speaks so loudly for itself, it’s not worthy of any more keystrokes.

I will say that some policing reforms are obviously necessary…like…oh….I don’t know…maybe outlawing oxygen-depriving choke holds, and not allowing police unions to protect consistently rogue cops, for starters.

But whoever thinks those independent swing voters in battleground states are down with defunding/dismantling the police in ANY way, shape, or form, is nuttier than a Planters factory.

And notwithstanding tepid attempts to distance himself from this madness, this is political misery all day long for Biden, as he struggles to court the desperately needed Far Left Bernie Bro’s…the Abolish ICE, Defund The Police wacko wing of his party…and convince them how goddamn progressive and “woke” he is.

Unfortunately for him, his near half-century record in Washington screams otherwise.

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