The Exploitation of George Floyd

I thought the world was spinning out of control when we had over 100,000 Americans dead and 40 million unemployed from a pandemic.

Oh, how I long for those simpler times.

I mean, the pandemic was waning…economy opening…a slow, agonizing crawl back to some semblance of normalcy.

Then along comes a rogue, white Minneapolis cop who F’s it all up by taking down a black George Floyd on a lousy, alleged counterfeiting charge, jams his knee into his neck for several minutes as Floyd lay on the ground pleading for his life.

But to no avail…that piece of shit cop, who unsurprisingly has a long history of complaints, ultimately snuffs out Floyd’s life like a Marlboro smoldering in the gutter.

Goodbye Pandemic and Economic Armageddon.  HELLO RIOTS!

Out with the old, in with the new.

Damn…It was FINALLY something we could ALL agree on.

We’re ALL sickened by the images of that cop killing George Floyd.  We ALL cheered when that cop was charged with murder.

And we all supported PEACEFUL PROTESTERS.

But that unity pipe dream died faster than George Floyd.

You see, right on cue, sub-human scum Leftist Radical Groups reared their ugly heads…Antifa and other Anarchist agitators who always crawl out from their maggot infested sewers to nauseatingly exploit peaceful protests by rioting, looting, and burning cities.

Or as AG Barr put it…”The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly…It is time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it. The continued violence and destruction of property endangers the lives and livelihoods of others, and interferes with the rights of peaceful protesters, as well as all other citizens.”

Truth is, these Terrorists don’t know George Floyd from Pink Floyd.

And the worst part?


So…The Minneapolis Mayor, seemingly suffering from an epic testosterone deficiency, stands down as these anarchist thugs literally commandeer a police station and burn hundreds of businesses to the ground.


Rudy Giuliani said it simply for the slow-witted…”Don’t elect progressive Democrats if you want to be safe.”

These are the same flaccid, sniveling, incompetent Democrat Governors who got their authoritarian jollies by threatening to drag desperate business owners to jail…simply trying to feed their families…for opening their business in violation of Wuhan virus shutdown orders.

Yet they submissively curl up in the fetal position while lawless mobs looted and destroyed those very businesses, and bashed the heads of owners of those businesses  who dared to protect them.

Enter our Law and Order President, who had a call with the Governors, imploring them to…and I’ll paraphrase…stop being such goddamn pussies and take control of the streets.

He’s like a old grizzled football coach dressing down his team at halftime for getting their asses handed to them in the first half.

Despite the ensuing leg-wetting by the Governors themselves and the media…it had to be said.

Note to Democrats and Media:  For the love of God…STOP CALLING THE VIOLENT, LOOTING ANARCHISTS “PROTESTERS!”  They’re effing dirtbag criminals.  Period.

ANYONE that conflates the two are complicit.

REAL Protesters bring signs.  These Scumbags bring pallets of bricks, Louisville sluggers, and Molotov Cocktails.

Anarchist Agitator A-Holes cannot be allowed to foment lawlessness, and have to be taken down f*cking hard. 

By whatever means necessary.  Don’t like it?  Too effing bad.  Then look away.

Once Law and Order is gone, so is the country.


So, President Trump addressed the nation on Monday, offering the perfect balance of   outrage over the evil actions resulting in George Floyd’s death, and solidarity with PEACEFUL PROTESTERS…but promised in no uncertain terms…if the lawlessness and anarchy happening across the country doesn’t stop…HE’LL effing stop it.

Predictably, another leg-wetting session by the Left ensued.  These are the most hydrated people on the planet.

The raping and pillaging anarchists are exploiting the death of George Floyd, using legitimate protesters as cover, and the brain dead America-Hating Leftists are all too happy to look the other way.


Just like with the Wuhan Virus…More death…more economic depression…hang it around Trump’s neck.  YEAH BABY!!!  BRING ON THE MISERY!!!

Now?  Massive civil unrest, businesses destroyed, innocents beaten, cities burning.


The political Left and media are exploiting the death of George Floyd every bit as much as the violent anarchist mobs.

They’re on the same side, after all.  It’s why the Left and Media romanticize Antifa and virtually never condemn them.

If there was some Islamic Terrorist running around killing people and destroying cities, what happens?

They’re shot down in the street like the rabid inbred dogs that they are.

The same fate is befitting of these Domestic Terrorists masquerading as protesters.

2 thoughts on “The Exploitation of George Floyd

  1. jyvurentropy

    I don’t know how anyone managed to write about this awful situation in such a funny way, but you did it. Great piece. You really summed it up. Peaceful protests that we all agreed with were hijacked by edgy assholes and for some reason the left is afraid to call them out.


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