Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Black Lives Matter Sham

Much as I tried, I cannot be silent on the victory lap the Lying Media Douchebags are taking because Trump’s Tulsa rally ONLY drew 10,000 or so.

Yes, at least 10,000…not the 6,200 that purportedly had tickets scanned.

Number 1…I saw it with my own eyes…well, on TV.  Number 2…Fox reporter ON THE SCENE, John Roberts…a three decade veteran who spent 20 years at CNN and CBS, and no Trump acolyte…said the place looked 2/3 full, around 12,000.

And a similar number passed through magnetometers.  So let’s be conservative…no pun intended…and safely call it 10,000.

Or roughly the number of calories lard ass Michael Moore shoves in his pie hole every day by noon. Continue reading


It’s a BLOG, not a BOOK, for shit’s sake.

When I’ve tried to write about too many topics in a single blog post in the past, I’ve failed miserably and had to whittle it down.  Words are free…sometimes I overindulge.

Getting back on that horse, Dammit!  

I’m loving all the shuckin’ and jivin’ around the whole “Defund The Police” idiocy.  Most Democrat politicians are falling all over themselves feverishly explaining how this doesn’t REALLY mean getting RID of the police.

They doth protest too much, methinks.

Who knows what these liars REALLY think, anyway?  I mean, they typically think what some focus group TELLS them to think.

Here’s what they KNOW…this is a big, stinky political crap sandwich for them.  And the Republicans are gonna make more hay of this than Mr. Ed could eat in a year…regardless of varying characterizations. Continue reading

The Systemic Racism Ruse

Just when I thought the Far Left Cranks FINALLY zeroed in on their optimal lithium dose…they’re now screaming to DEFUND THE POLICE!

This has to unequivocally be the single dumbest idea ever articulated.  And there’s a lot of competition for that title.

The sheer idiocy of that notion speaks so loudly for itself, it’s not worthy of any more keystrokes.

I will say that some policing reforms are obviously necessary…like…oh….I don’t know…maybe outlawing oxygen-depriving choke holds, and not allowing police unions to protect consistently rogue cops, for starters.

But whoever thinks those independent swing voters in battleground states are down with defunding/dismantling the police in ANY way, shape, or form, is nuttier than a Planters factory.

And notwithstanding tepid attempts to distance himself from this madness, this is political misery all day long for Biden, as he struggles to court the desperately needed Far Left Bernie Bro’s…the Abolish ICE, Defund The Police wacko wing of his party…and convince them how goddamn progressive and “woke” he is.

Unfortunately for him, his near half-century record in Washington screams otherwise.

Continue reading

The Exploitation of George Floyd

I thought the world was spinning out of control when we had over 100,000 Americans dead and 40 million unemployed from a pandemic.

Oh, how I long for those simpler times.

I mean, the pandemic was waning…economy opening…a slow, agonizing crawl back to some semblance of normalcy.

Then along comes a rogue, white Minneapolis cop who F’s it all up by taking down a black George Floyd on a lousy, alleged counterfeiting charge, jams his knee into his neck for several minutes as Floyd lay on the ground pleading for his life.

But to no avail…that piece of shit cop, who unsurprisingly has a long history of complaints, ultimately snuffs out Floyd’s life like a Marlboro smoldering in the gutter.

Goodbye Pandemic and Economic Armageddon.  HELLO RIOTS!

Out with the old, in with the new. Continue reading