Useful Idiots

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating.

Joe Biden struck absolute political gold with the Wuhan Flu.  Period.

Here’s a guy who CLEARLY no longer possesses the cognitive, nor physical, ability to handle the rigors of RUNNING for President, much less RUNNING the country.

Can ANYONE with a straight face disagree with a single syllable of that statement?

It’s the political version of the once great professional athlete that sticks around WAY past their prime, to the point of cringeworthy embarrassment.

Figuratively floating around in amniotic fluid in his cozy comfy political womb…AKA his BASEMENT…he STILL completely F’s up the occasional Zoom interview with his personal cadre of butt-kissing journalists.

And his occasional virtual “rallies”…which resemble SNL skits, and attract crowds smaller than a couple of last place AA minor league teams…are consistently a comedy of technical snafus.

My mother never told me she was hired as the Biden Campaign Technical Lead.

She’s never owned a computer.  Even getting to the right channel for Jeopardy! every night is at best a 50/50, hit-or-miss proposition.

Anyway, when Biden starts flapping his geriatric gums, he reliably delivers either: A) Complete and utter gibberish, or B) Something relatively coherent, but wholly inappropriate and/or offensive.

He dialed up the latter last week…and boy, did he step in it in a BIG way.

Actually, it was more like a belly flop into a mountain of elephant dung.

So…last week, Basement Joe’s handlers apparently pumped him with enough saline and B12 to get him through another virtual interview from The Biden Bunker, this time with radio host “Charlamagne tha God,” whose show attracts four million young black listeners, (Drunken Republican tha God?…Nah), and Joe drops this steamy pile…

If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black.”

Translation:  Shut up and obey, Useful Idiots!  My God, how effing offensive.

This makes Hillary’s “Deplorables” comment look like soggy milquetoast.

And I’ll believe to my dying day that it lost her the election…the other 92 reasons notwithstanding.

There were two swift reactions…general outrage and condemnation by the black community, and sheer panic by the Biden campaign.

The latter, of course, nervously suggested that Joe was just kidding, nothing to see here.  Then Joe lifted his hair plugs off of his fluffy pillow just long enough to contradict that, saying he was simply “too cavalier” and a “wise guy.”

I searched long and hard for an ACTUAL apology, but came up empty.

Sorry Libs, this political herpes is in the outbreak stage, and ain’t clearing up anytime soon.

Republican South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, an African-American gentleman who I have mad respect for, summed it up this way…

”(Biden’s) saying to 1.3 million African Americans that you are not black?  Who in the heck does he think he is?  That is the most arrogant, outrageous comment I’ve heard in a very long time and I take offense to that.  1.3 million black Americans already voted for Trump in 2016.  This morning, Joe Biden told every single one of us we ‘ain’t black.’  I’d say I’m surprised, but it’s sadly par for the course for Democrats to take the black community for granted and brow beat those that don’t agree.”

Nailed it.

OK…to quote Dementia Joe himself…HERE’S THE DEAL!

We know two things…

The Democrat Party has done absolutely effing ZERO for the Black community in the last 50 years…yet they take their 90%+ voting block as a total entitlement, and condescendingly for granted every four years…like clockwork.

I mean, can ANYONE articulate what the Dems have done for blacks in the last half century other than driving every Democrat run inner city, populated largely by minorities, into the ground…dripping with violent crime, drug addiction, poverty, and unemployment?

And…uh…free concerts by Jay-Z and Beyoncé at Dem rallies in places like Detroit and Philadelphia don’t count.

Look…the shit show spawned by Biden’s offensive, tone-deaf, asinine statement far transcends him personally, and points to a MUCH bigger issue.

It shines a blazing, blinding light on how the Democrat party has disgustingly exploited the entire African-American community…like, forever.

It’s the worst kept secret in politics.

On the flip side, the Orange-Haired Devil swoops in and his pitch to the black community is, “What the hell do you have to lose” by supporting him?

Turns out, nothing.  On the contrary, they had everything to gain.

I mean, in just three-plus years, what Trump has delivered to the African-American community includes:

  • 1) Criminal Justice Reform, something the Left craved forever, and Obama failed miserably at delivering.
  • 2) The lowest black unemployment rate in history.
  • 3) Massive Opportunity Zone incentives for economically distressed communities.
  • 4) Permanently restored over $250 million a year funding for the nation’s historically black universities and colleges.

AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!….as they said in those old Ronco commercials.

The aforementioned Senator Scott has confidently predicted that President Trump will easily increase his share of the African-American vote he received in 2016 by 50%.

Now, that only represents a move from 8% to 12%, but this, coupled with a similar dynamic in play with Hispanics, could spell doom for Biden…particularly in a close election.

So, while Biden, the Dems, AND their adoring, subservient media desperately try to move on from this self-inflicted clusterf*ck…rest assured that neither the African-American community, nor the Trump campaign’s attack ad team, will let them.

1 thought on “Useful Idiots

  1. Tom

    The only reason bumbling Joe is hanging in there as a candidate is because the alternative is so bad. Hopefully, we will have true leaders running in 2024. I repeat, the only reason Biden is polling above 10% is because the President has offended so many people they will support anything that breathes. If Biden wins, it will be 100% Trumps fault.


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