Flatten The Curve = Flatten Trump

OK…weren’t we told the sole purpose of shutting down the best goddamn economy ever was to FLATTEN THE CURVE!?

And somehow, this has magically morphed into…


I’ll type slowly so the TDS afflicted halfwits can comprehend as I explain what FLATTEN THE CURVE! REALLY friggin’ means.

As described a million times by your beloved Dr. Fauci…FLATTEN THE CURVE means employing a myriad of mitigation measures….and you know what they are…to prevent such massive numbers of people getting infected at the SAME TIME, so as not to overwhelm hospitals/healthcare systems to the point of collapse.

Think blubber boy Michael Moore firing down on your Granny’s rickety old antique chair held together by a wing and a prayer.

Anyway…of course…OF COURSE…we all want to minimize cases and deaths…but FLATTEN THE CURVE means spreading the cases over a longer period of time so…again…V E R Y   S L O W L Y…




Slow enough for ya???

There are exceptions, but generally, the blue Lib states are keeping things locked tighter than a 17th century chastity belt, and the red states are jonesing to get off the schneid and OPEN THE GODDAMN ECONOMY…albeit,  SLOWLY AND SAFELY…and yes, vigorously protecting the most vulnerable.

Of course, if…generically speaking…SAVING EVERY LIFE! was the REAL motivation…then why don’t we just shut the economy down for like four months EVERY EFFING YEAR and save an average of 35,000 Americans from dying from the flu?

Because that would be more insane than Nancy Pelosi teaching a class in Artificial Intelligence.

Or ANY kind of intelligence for that matter.

And it’s equally insane for a place like LA county to maintain shutdown orders until August.

Many blue state governors and Democrats in Congress are not only getting big old authoritarian woodies from shitting on the freedoms and liberties of Americans…but MORE critically…are loath to have the economy roaring back around, ya know, Election Day.

It’s STILL the economy, stupid…even in a pandemic.

The Left and the Media have set one narrative as a preposterous and false binary choice between saving lives or saving the economy.  And if you’re accused of choosing the latter, they shriek…


This is complete bullshit, of course.  Anyone with an IQ over 60 knows we are simply grappling with the appropriate…and necessary…BALANCE between the two.

Keeping much of the economy shuttered any longer will ensure such structural and permanent damage to the economy…think 50% of small businesses disappearing forever…we’ll be in a multi-year depression.

And the deleterious health effects emanating from THAT…poverty, hunger, homelessness, addiction, domestic abuse, mental health crisis, massive numbers of suicides…will make the Wuhan virus itself look like an effing hangnail.

By the way…Fauci characterized the economic calamity driven by the lockdowns as an “inconvenience.”  36 million newly unemployed and counting, livelihoods destroyed, lives ruined.

A “distinguished” public health official should know better.

Yet people continue to bow at his altar.  Thanks, but I’ll pass.

So what gives here?

Remember the context…the Left eats, drinks, breathes, sleeps, and shits every day for the sole purpose of dragging Trump out of the White House.  Full stop.

I think they’ve proven that quite nicely over the past four years, don’t you?

So to that end, the fake narrative of the Dems and Media is to disgustingly wrap EVERY death and EVERY speck of economic misery around Trump’s neck.

And this is PRECISELY why the Left and Media not only ignore China’s sole and unequivocal blame in this…but nauseatingly cover for them.

Personally, I don’t give a crap whether this virus originated in a wet market or virology lab.

Here’s what we should all give a crap about…

  • China intentionally hid this virus, and that there was human-to-human transmission, for a couple of months.
  • During this time, China allowed zillions of people to fly all over the world FROM Wuhan…seeding Europe and the U.S. with the virus.  BUT THEY STOPPED ALL TRAVEL FROM WUHAN TO OTHER PARTS OF CHINA.
  • Also during this time, China swept up most of the world supply of ventilators and personal protective equipment to screw the rest of the world.

But to report ANY of this fact pattern would completely eviscerate their fake narrative.

Anyway…what amounted to a de facto bio-weapon attack by China left the world in chaos, completely flat-footed and drinking out of a firehouse.


The Wuhan virus could have been stopped in its tracks.  Rather easily.

But it wasn’t.  ON PURPOSE.

And anyone not in a coma, and with one iota of intellectual honesty, saw Trump move Heaven and Earth in Herculean fashion over the past couple of months to minimize the resulting health and economic atrocities of getting kicked in the nads by China’s lies.

Don’t be a fool…The Left and Media don’t give a rat’s ass about deaths of Americans or the death of the economy…just the death of Trump’s presidency.


6 thoughts on “Flatten The Curve = Flatten Trump

  1. Jerry Horvath

    There is much blame to go around for the spread of this virus and of course China is the epicenter of this blame. But we pump $billions/year into W.H.O., CDC, and NIAID to make sure this doesnt happen and in the unlikely event it does, that we are prepared to handle it. Those organizations failed miserably on both accounts. Why hasn’t Trump fired Fauci? Changes need to be made. You get what you tolerate and we cant tolerate this again.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      EXACTLY! Thanks for pointing out that W.H.O. is nothing but China’s bitch, and that, clearly, major reform is required in our own health agencies.

      Shit never gets fixed until AFTER the tragedy. What about 9/11? Totally asleep at the wheel vis-a-vis Radical Islamic Terrorism. Same thing now with the Wuhan virus.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Is this another problem like healthcare and the deficit that your Dear Leader will somehow magically fix in the 2nd term after doing absolutely nothing from 2017-2019 to improve readiness for such a pandemic? Does he ever become accountable for his lack of action on these and other items or are we just going to blame Obama and Hillary for all 8 years?

    He has been an abject failure on all three topics not to mention many others, but at least we have another 65 miles of wall up in Cactus Junction AZ. Let’s give the man a Noble Prize, a few more hamberders and a fresh cup of covfefe as a bonus.

  3. Tom

    To me, I think the President’s message is simple and effective: “Take 2 hydroxychloroquine and get back to normal”. I appreciate that he’s leading by example. The next step is to get the rest of his administration on hydroxychloroquine immediately.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Please…Now that The Donald is actually taking this medication, we really need to start calling it Covfefechloroquine.

  4. Tom

    Over the past week, I asked 20 people if they believed that Trump was actually taking Hydroxychloroquine? 12 Republicans and 6 Democrats and 2 Independents. I figured he’s stubborn enough to be taking it. I was surprised that 13 people thought Trump was probably not taking it. Republicans said he was making a point and Dems said he was a Liar. In either case, the sad point is that most people don’t believe the President’s own words. We all know that other Presidents have lied before, but I believe that Trump has lied so often that he’s lost his basic credibility.

    So ask yourself – Do you believe Trump was actually taking Hydroxychloroquine? It seems fairly benign and trivial. But, If you have any doubts after his emphatic statements, then ask yourself what else you should doubt.

    BTW – It’s not a lie if you believe it.


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