It’s nothing short of mind-blowing to watch the Democrats and their incestual media cohorts continue to shuck and jive around the Russia Collusion Scam, it’s phony, scandalous origins, and every related concocted aspect.

Despite shoe after shoe continuing to drop…long after Bob Mueller himself said “uh…never mind” after spending two years and $40 million investigating a fairy tale…these delusional, lying whack jobs STILL acting like it was all real is richer than Barry Obama’s Netflix deals.

The delusion and hubris are disgustingly beyond comprehension.

So, the latest shoe storm that rained on these Leftist Scumbags was the DOJ dismissing the prosecution of Michael Flynn, Trump’s short time National Security Advisor, for lying to the FBI.

NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin wrote a great piece outlining the history of, not only the political lynching of Michael Flynn, but its ties to the whole Russian collusion fiction.

This stuff is so critical to understand, I’m just going to defer to Mr. Goodwin and provide excerpts from his concise journalistic filet mignon instead of my usual blathering corned beef hash blog you’re accustomed to…

The best way to understand the dismissal of the phony prosecution case against Gen. Michael Flynn and the release of secret congressional testimonies is to imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle. We know the final picture will show a broad conspiracy by law enforcement and intelligence agencies under Barack Obama to undermine Donald Trump’s campaign and help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election.

In formally dropping the Flynn prosecution, the Department of Justice released a trove of documents showing there was no crime. They prove the FBI knew Flynn had done nothing wrong in talking to the Russian ambassador after the election. They also show agents knew he didn’t lie to them in a meeting they tricked him into holding.

Yet still the odious Peter Strzok and others kept the case open and eventually forced Flynn to plead guilty to something he hadn’t done by threatening his son. Most of that happened under Mueller, who comes off looking like a dupe at best and a coup participant at worst.

The Flynn documents also show that Obama himself was actively engaged in the case and highlight again the suspect Oval Office meeting on Jan. 5, 2017. Comey, Rice, Clapper, Yates and Vice President Joe Biden all were there when a trap was set for Comey’s meeting with President-elect Trump the next day.

Instead of telling Trump about the investigation into his campaign, they agreed Comey would show Trump only the two pages from the infamous Steele dossier that made salacious allegations against Trump. After pulling the president aside to do that, Comey raced to his car and typed a memo about Trump’s reactions, proof the briefing was actually a setup.

Now we know why. Rep. Adam Schiff, the California Dem, didn’t want the public to realize that top members of the Obama administration had blown the collusion narrative to smithereens [in congressional testimony under oath].

One after another, James Clapper, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates and others said some version of “I know of no evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia.”

Just some strategically selected excerpts, but a rockin’ little trip down memory lane, huh?

Ya know, we all innately knew this scam went all the way up to Obama AND Biden.

To believe otherwise would be pure folly.

Now the evidence of that truth is beginning to flow after three-plus years of Herculean efforts by the Deep State to conceal and bury documents, testimony, etc.

Think squirrels hiding their…um…nuts.

”OBAMAGATE!,” Trump aptly…and predictably…tweeted.

“OBAMABIDENGATE!” is surely on deck.

Many are now saying this conniving crew of corrupt crooks is shitting bricks over all of these recent developments.

I beg to differ.  I mean, this hoax was exposed LONG ago.

These shysters have been…with very well deserved excruciating pain…shitting those aforementioned bricks ever since Trump’s electoral bitch-slapping of Hillary.

Trump’s victory, of course, the fatal flaw in the whole sordid scheme.

And the biggest shoe is yet to drop.  Like bigger than Shaq’s size 22.

U.S Attorney from Connecticut, John Durham, tasked by AG Barr several months ago to examine all the tentacles of the corrupt Russia probe, will have his final report out in a couple months or so.

With a whole shit ton of new, juicy declassified and unredacted documents to savor.

Word on the street is it’ll be more explosive than Michael Moore after six bean burritos and a prune juice chaser.

And just this week, Sleepy Joe emerged from his basement…AND his near-catatonic state…just long enough to raspily mumble that this is all just a “distraction.”

The biggest political scandal this county has ever seen…making the third-rate burglary and clumsy cover-up that was “Watergate” look like an improper lane change…and it’s dismissed as a ‘distraction.”

Richard Nixon must be spinning in his grave like a top…just not sure if he’s laughing or crying.

14 thoughts on “OBAMABIDENGATE!

  1. tacopepper

    And yet, our current President lobbies for Capital Gains Tax Cuts for the wealthy and spends us into a $4T deficit in 2020 on his watch, and he has also COMPLETELY failed to introduce one remotely valuable idea on healthcare in his entire Presidency. Keep on ignoring the real problems we face in this country, you are very good at it. It’s wonderful to see you jump on board with Rush and Hannity to try and divert our attention back to something that doesn’t mean anything significant to the future health and safety and security of this country. The next time President Trump or any of his brainwashed tribe tries to deal with a real current issue vs continuing to blame every problem in the universe on Obama or Hillary, please wake me up.

    I will say I do agree with Trump on one important issue regarding Obama. He was right when he said Obama played way too much golf. Do you agree? BAHAHAHAHA

    1. Jerry Horvath

      Ok, Taco Pepper. You are completely wrong on the facts. Trump is the first President willing and capable of restructuring our post-WWII trade, security, energy, and immigration policies established to combat the Soviet Union. You may have noticed that the Soviet Union collapsed 30 years ago but the US acted as if nothing happened. We continued to allow the rest of the world to take our jobs and our money and received nothing in return. Trump is the only guy with new ideas.

      Furthermore, you are the one that wishes to use the current pandemic as a distraction. It was clear to many of us that the russia collusion investigation was nothing more than a frame job. The only question was could it be proven. Now that there is clear evidence that Comey, Mueller, Schiff, et.al. have been deliberately lieing to us in an orchestrated plot, you dont want anyone to talk about it. You should reconsider your position. Efforts to frame a presidential candidate, efforts to frame a president-elect, efforts to frame a president by our supposedly most-trusted government agencies is a crime against all American people, including you. There is no greater crime than a crime of a government against its people.

    2. Jerry Horvath

      The purpose of tax cuts is to increase spending which in turn creates jobs. So everyone wins including those who take the view that that people aren’t entitled to keep the money they earn.
      Regarding the deficit you should be aware that federal spending will not balance until 2034 when our demographics support it. No chance. You should do a little research on this, it will be enlightening to you and will allow you to sleep better at night. And you should be happy you live in the U.S. where we have a solid demographic profile as opposed to China (1 child policy), Germany (taxes too high to have kids) or Russia ( what are kids?) whose economies will collapse in the not too distant future because they are not creating new taxpayers.
      Our healthcare system is the best in the world and will stay that way as long as we have competitive forces at work. The problem is it’s too expensive. Premiums up 74% under Obamacare and deductibles are through the roof. Trump’s one victory so far is the elimination of the mandate and the opening up of competitive plans which has halted the dramatic rise in premiums. Fear not, he will fix the cost of healthcare in his now assured second term.

      As for your buddy Barry Sotero, I think he should have spent all his time golfing. We’d be better off for it today.

  2. tacopepper


    Let’s talk facts. Please tell me which years in the past decade where the deficit has increased year over year? Here is a hint. 2017,2018,2019, and 2020. Just so you know, I’m a lifetime registered Republican who would like to see some fiscal responsibility. Instead we have a joke of a President who is delivering a FOUR TRILLION dollar deficit in FY 20, and is currently angling to introduce a Capital Gains tax cut and a payroll tax cut, neither of which does anything to help the ~ 25% of people who are currently unemployed. Please feel free to dispute any of the FACTS I just listed. And I will mail you a $100 check today if you can name one meaningful policy your joke of a President has implemented on healthcare since he came into office. I might as well make it a million dollars because YOU’VE GOT NOTHING.

    Good luck and have fun prosecuting Obama though, I’m sure that will do a lot to help our out of work population and ever—increasing deficit.

  3. tacopepper

    Why does he have to wait until the second term to fix healthcare if he is so great? He hasn’t proposed one articulate or coherent tangible change in 3.5 years other than just undoing anything Obama implemented.

    And yes, I’m aware tax cuts are intended to provide economic stimulus to create jobs. If it worked the way you suggested, the deficit to GDP ratio would have declined from 2016 with all of this impressive economic growth. Guess what? It didn’t, even though TDR told me it would.

    Please give me one example of where a CAPITAL GAINS TAX CUT in 2020 helps anyone in serious need right now. I’d really like to hear this. And with the economic implosion and stimulus/vote buying orgy Trump just oversaw, I wouldn’t bank on 2034. This administration has been an absolute disaster on fiscal spending when your Dear Leader promised he would fix the deficit among his other many lies in the 2016 campaign.

    Maybe he should stick to injecting disinfectant, paying off porn stars, celebrating torch-bearing Nazis, making up nicknames for political rivals, lusting after his daughter, mocking handicapped people, soaking in his tanning booth, bragging about ratings for his teleconferences during a pandemic, celebrating his friendship with Alex Jones, making inaccurate statements about the F-35 like he did once again today, cozying up to brutal dictators, cheating on all 3 of his wives, cheating his business partners, promoting his hotels for personal financial gain in office, running up the deficit some more and trying to retract his Noble Prizes and working on his golf game.

    1. Jerry Horvath

      Trump has accomplished more in 3 years than any president in my lifetime and I was born during the Truman administration.
      He came very, very close to fixing healthcare too and would have if it weren’t for one Senator from Arizona.
      And he does the rest of the stuff you mentioned just to piss you off, apparently making him highly successful on that front too. Time to get a grip tacopepper.

  4. tacopepper

    So just ending Obamacare (which is all that vote was for) is a solution to healthcare? That’s all we need to resolve the millions of Americans who don’t have access to healthcare? Wow, that’s some solution. And oh by the way, that was years ago. What has he done since that? NOTHING.

    And for all of that other stuff that normal people with a heart and soul find repulsive, if you are good with a person who lies and cheats his way through life and treats his opponents with such disrespect, I can see where your own moral compass lies. Right there in the sewer with the other Trump trash.

    Trump has raised the deficit higher than any President in your lifetime, he has accomplished less than any President in your lifetime, has wasted more of my money on a useless wall than any President in your lifetime, has done more long-term damage to our environment than any President in your lifetime, and has absolutely aligned himself with right-wing extremists more than any President in your lifetime. What an amazing accomplishment. He certainly has played more golf than Obama, after being an idiotic hypocrite whining about golf for years.
    I’m glad he’s such a role model for you. I guess lying and cheating through life is ok with you.

    Me? I’m doing just fine, but thanks for asking.

  5. tacopepper

    By the way, you forgot to tell me how a Capital Gains tax cut helps today’s Americans in need. You just blew your horn about a bunch of non-specific “accomplishments” and avoided today’s problem. Kind of like focusing 126 tweets on Obamagate instead of meaningful dialogue on healthcare solutions or fixing the economy for those who really need help. In case you didn’t notice, he also championed a payroll tax holiday, which aside from exacerbating our horrific deficit, doesn’t do JACK SQUAT for the 25% of America who are now unemployed.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Jerry Horvath

      Dearest tacopepper,
      You obviously are a highly intelligent person since you subscribe to the Drunken Republican. Therefore you should understand that all tax cuts, Capital Gains included, are meant to stimulate spending. Spending includes buying new stocks providing investment funding for businesses. Also, you seem to be complaining that the $3T just spent on the 25% unemployment disaster is too much and not enough at the same time. Which is it? What is your solution? Tax increases? Less spending?
      You know full well what this president has done to bring jobs back to this country, to raise wages in real-dollars, and to improve our national security. Tax cuts, trade deals, immigration control, deregulation, energy independence, ISIS state demolished, terrorists eliminated, severe sanctions coupled with outreach to rogue nations, and oh-by-way reduced carbon emissions to name a few. Can you imagine how bad things would be today without Trump’s actions of the last three years?
      You are correct in your observation that Trump hasn’t fixed everything. He has many, many obstacles in his way, our form of government being the biggest one. Perhaps you’re suggesting a constitutional monarchy? A King Trump could in fact address your complaints and then some. And then it’s on to Don Jr., followed by Barron, and so on. Yes, I think I really like your idea! Thanks!

  6. Tom

    I was a life-long Republican until earlier this year when Trump drove me to register as an Independent. I don’t care about Obamagate. I don’t care about ObamaBidengate. I don’t care about Tumppussygate. Biden is a bumbling old fool and yet he’s better than the alternative. Fortunately, the Republic can survive four more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden. I’m counting on real leadership in 2024.

  7. Taco Pepper

    First off, I can assure that from a professional background standpoint, I know more and understand more about corporate finance than you could ever dream to comprehend. That being said, we are in unusual times indeed. What I’m suggesting is the catalyst (the pandemic) triggered the need for an unimaginable amount of stimulus that has quadrupled Trumps already obscene deficit increase in 2020. I assume you are capable of basic math that demonstrates that Trump was on track to nearly double the annual deficit in 2020 from the one he inherited in 2016, well before his hoax of a pandemic. And as such, in these unusual times, one would think that the tax cut, and further strain on the budget would only make sense if it was of real and immediate benefit to those impacted. It certainly will benefit wealthy investors, probably to include you and I, as we reap greater returns on our portfolios. I can’t speak for you, but I, and many other investors, are much more likely to pocket those savings and reinvest them instead of spending and putting that money directly back into the economy. The average unemployed Disney worker needs help now, and the Capital Gains tax cut will expand our deficit a lot more quickly than it will provide any benefit to unemployed workers. The payroll tax holiday, championed by your beloved King Donald, is also of ZERO use to people who are already unemployed.

    Somebody, somewhere is going to have to pay the bill for all of this spending. I will give you another math lesson since you didn’t read it very well the first time. If your argument that tax cuts are paid for by economic growth, then the growth in GDP would outpace the total deficit. In 2016, the deficit to GDP ratio was 3.1%, and projected to increase to 4.8% in 2020 when we were only going to run a $1T deficit. You do understand that 4.8% is higher than 3.1%, right? Did they teach you than in Sheep School? And that means with even all of your highly touted economic growth, it is coming with increased leverage and debt, something your children and grandchildren will get stuck paying the interest on and eventually paying back.

    What it boils down to is the simple fact that the tax cuts and spend increases of this administration provide short term growth that is outpaced by additional leverage. This was done for the express purpose of winning re-election no matter how much it strains our future. For a President who runs sham colleges and has bankrupted several of his own businesses, the pattern is clear, but I’m sure you think bankruptcy and unsustainable debt is a sound business practice given your moronic logic you have outlined above.

    And with regards to Don Jr, it doesn’t surprise me that you love him too, because you strike me as the kind of guy who thinks hunting endangered animals and cheating on his wife with some hag from Fox News is cool.

    Again, have a nice day.

    1. Jerry Horvath

      As a final note on this tacopepper, I have laid-off Disney workers in my family and thanks to swift action by Donald their income stream from the government is fine, in fact they are receiving about their full time pay plus benefits. They just need to get back to work in the next few months and a stimulus kick is intended to do that. It’s that simple.

      And as I told you many posts ago, it’s the millenials that are going to pay our past bills. It’s a known fact. And the millenials will be fine too as long as we once again bring critical technologies and jobs back to the U.S. Because the rest of the world will not be fine. And that’s the whole point: the U.S. can take care of itself in the future but can no longer afford to take care of the rest of the world. And the Democrats know it and the Republicans know it and everybody (except you) knows it but TRUMP IS THE ONLY GUY WITH THE BALLS TO FIX IT!

  8. Taco Pepper

    Yes his work so far on the deficit really is impressive. And once again you did a nice job of referring to the stimulus and avoiding how a Capital Gains tax cut creates jobs, especially with an oncoming wave of automation. How is the capital gains tax cut going to help unemployed Disney workers, not the stimulus payments, that is my question.

    I’m glad you are so cavalier and dismissive of passing the problem on to someone else or in Donald’s case, making it worse. As old as you are, it makes sense why you don’t care. I’m not that much younger, I just actually would rather start solving the problem instead of making it worse.

    Nice accountability.

  9. Stephanie Engels

    Wow…Just, wow. It is amazing what a parrot you are to the president and Fox news. It’s all there…”Obamagate”, “Deep State”, “Sleepy Joe”…do you have an actual original thought? Anything? Waiting???? I would make some comment on what you might fantasize about doing with Sean Hannity but my understanding is you have a word filter.

    I find it hilarious that the same peeps who succumb to the Trump “Birther Conspiracy” would actually buy in again to a really ambiguous fake scandal that even Trump knows is not true but it definitely aligns his base and their support at a time when it was waning. I mean, come on, if you are going to completely mess up at responding to a global pandemic, best to invent a way to make it a conspiracy as we head into the election. Can’t believe you would put your hand on that hot stove again after what a joke his “Birther” support was. He finally admitted he was wrong…sort of…but by then people were listening to him and believing him, not because it was true but it fit their narrative…and he played you all well. You mention overwhelming evidence. All you have is a Trump tweet. Sadly, that is all some of you need to believe the unbelievable.

    I love the common Joe who believes this entitled, narcissistic, billionaire cares one ounce about the people. Probably the best con job of all time. He wouldn’t let most of his supporters clean his house, wash his car, or wipe his ass and certainly, you won’t see them on the links with him.


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