Daily Archives: May 14, 2020


It’s nothing short of mind-blowing to watch the Democrats and their incestual media cohorts continue to shuck and jive around the Russia Collusion Scam, it’s phony, scandalous origins, and every related concocted aspect.

Despite shoe after shoe continuing to drop…long after Bob Mueller himself said “uh…never mind” after spending two years and $40 million investigating a fairy tale…these delusional, lying whack jobs STILL acting like it was all real is richer than Barry Obama’s Netflix deals.

The delusion and hubris are disgustingly beyond comprehension.

So, the latest shoe storm that rained on these Leftist Scumbags was the DOJ dismissing the prosecution of Michael Flynn, Trump’s short time National Security Advisor, for lying to the FBI.

NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin wrote a great piece outlining the history of, not only the political lynching of Michael Flynn, but its ties to the whole Russian collusion fiction.

This stuff is so critical to understand, I’m just going to defer to Mr. Goodwin and provide excerpts from his concise journalistic filet mignon instead of my usual blathering corned beef hash blog you’re accustomed to… Continue reading