The floodgates opened just a smidge vis-a-vis Sleepy Senile Joe’s coming out party…finally responding to the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations, as did much of the mainstream media.

But before you even THINK about giving these nauseating hypocrites ANY credit, Biden and the media had zero choice BUT to address it at this point…particularly in light of their 24/7 crucifixion of Brett Kavanaugh a mere 18 months ago.

It’s like an arsonist torching a building, then calling the fire department three hours after the place was a pile of ashes.

Quite simply…too little, too late.  Screw your pats on the back.

So, the quick update is that Biden hopped…no…eased…into his stairlift like a warm bubble bath, hit the down button, and descended to his basement bunker last week to do an interview with BSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski.

OK, so I was primed for a joke of a softball interview, but I must confess that Mika was, quite astoundingly, pretty damn tough on the old coot.

In fact, I consider the highly improbable Miracle Mets World Series victory in 1969 far LESS shocking.

For his part, Biden predictably plagiarized the Slick Willy playbook of “Deny, Deny, Deny.”  But the wickets got a bit sticky when the conversation turned to the potential existence of documents related to a complaint filed by Tara Reade back in 1993.

So…Reade does not possess a copy of said documents.

And Joe seemed all too willing to have the Senate archives searched to see if any such documents exist…but was downright adamant that the University of Delaware archives…where many of his Senatorial records are ALSO stored…NOT be searched.

Whatchu Talkin Bout Willis?!?!

At this point, Joe began squirming like a restless six-year-old in church…although to be fair, maybe it was just his Depends bunching up again.

Well, lo and behold, the Secretary of the Senate, Julie E. Adams, indicated they have “no discretion to disclose any such information as requested” by Biden.

And similar sentiments from the University of Delaware.

Oh really?

As Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” on SNL used to say…”HOW CONVEEENIENT.”

Is anybody REALLY buying any of this?  Anybody?  Bueller??  Bueller??

Makes no goddamn difference anyway.

The absence of an almost three decade old document proves nothing…and really puts a shroud of opaqeness over the whole thing…ya know, like they’re hiding something?

And despite the group-think Dems robotically circling the wagons around Biden…and people like Nancy Pelosi ridiculously declaring I BELIEVE JOE AND WILL NO LONGER COMMENT ON THESE ALLEGATIONS!…this issue ain’t going away anytime soon.

“That I can tell you,” The Donald would say.

Unsurprisingly, another allegation against Biden cropped-up last week.

These allegations of sexual impropriety are like potato chips…having just one never seems to come to fruition.

Anyway…a woman in her mid-twenties came forward and said when she was 14, Creepy Joe made some…uh…VERY complimentary comments about her breasts.

Now, my first thought was that the “pervert factor” soared exponentially since the girl was only 14.

Upon further deep thought and visualization exercises, however, I surmised that if her breasts were in fact THAT real, and THAT spectacular, then she MUST have looked FAR older than 14.

As I always preach…context is everything.  Five yard penalty.

So, as this circus continues to evolve, I have a couple thoughts…

First, Biden’s serious…and VERY visible…cognitive decline is the REAL show stopper for his campaign, NOT this ancient sexual assault charge.

Second, as Biden and the media are now deflecting in a game of “whataboutism,” pointing to Trump’s many “alleged” past indiscretions…this tactic will fail as miserably as RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

And the crashing and burning of THAT hoax made the Hindenburg look like a fender bender.

Trump was a billionaire playboy real estate magnet turned Reality TV star…and on his third wife.

Biden?  A Senator for decades, then VP.  Not excusing ANY bad behavior, mind you…but stark differences, I think, in the way the average schlub views all of this.

For Creepy Joe…even in the context of his touchy, feely, sniffy history…appalling.

For Trump?  A mere shoulder shrug.

It’s like being shocked by Dennis Rodman’s latest piercings.  Really?

Besides…as it relates to Trump…all of this crapola was already litigated in the court of public opinion in 2016.

And the verdict was…

Sorry Joe, your moral high horse is galloping off to the glue factory…not the White House.

And let’s be candid….Trump only TALKED about grabbing pussies.

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