Daily Archives: May 7, 2020


The floodgates opened just a smidge vis-a-vis Sleepy Senile Joe’s coming out party…finally responding to the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations, as did much of the mainstream media.

But before you even THINK about giving these nauseating hypocrites ANY credit, Biden and the media had zero choice BUT to address it at this point…particularly in light of their 24/7 crucifixion of Brett Kavanaugh a mere 18 months ago.

It’s like an arsonist torching a building, then calling the fire department three hours after the place was a pile of ashes.

Quite simply…too little, too late.  Screw your pats on the back.

So, the quick update is that Biden hopped…no…eased…into his stairlift like a warm bubble bath, hit the down button, and descended to his basement bunker last week to do an interview with BSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Continue reading