Monthly Archives: May 2020

Useful Idiots

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating.

Joe Biden struck absolute political gold with the Wuhan Flu.  Period.

Here’s a guy who CLEARLY no longer possesses the cognitive, nor physical, ability to handle the rigors of RUNNING for President, much less RUNNING the country.

Can ANYONE with a straight face disagree with a single syllable of that statement?

It’s the political version of the once great professional athlete that sticks around WAY past their prime, to the point of cringeworthy embarrassment.

Figuratively floating around in amniotic fluid in his cozy comfy political womb…AKA his BASEMENT…he STILL completely F’s up the occasional Zoom interview with his personal cadre of butt-kissing journalists.

And his occasional virtual “rallies”…which resemble SNL skits, and attract crowds smaller than a couple of last place AA minor league teams…are consistently a comedy of technical snafus.

My mother never told me she was hired as the Biden Campaign Technical Lead.

She’s never owned a computer.  Even getting to the right channel for Jeopardy! every night is at best a 50/50, hit-or-miss proposition. Continue reading

Flatten The Curve = Flatten Trump

OK…weren’t we told the sole purpose of shutting down the best goddamn economy ever was to FLATTEN THE CURVE!?

And somehow, this has magically morphed into…


I’ll type slowly so the TDS afflicted halfwits can comprehend as I explain what FLATTEN THE CURVE! REALLY friggin’ means.

As described a million times by your beloved Dr. Fauci…FLATTEN THE CURVE means employing a myriad of mitigation measures….and you know what they are…to prevent such massive numbers of people getting infected at the SAME TIME, so as not to overwhelm hospitals/healthcare systems to the point of collapse.

Think blubber boy Michael Moore firing down on your Granny’s rickety old antique chair held together by a wing and a prayer. Continue reading


It’s nothing short of mind-blowing to watch the Democrats and their incestual media cohorts continue to shuck and jive around the Russia Collusion Scam, it’s phony, scandalous origins, and every related concocted aspect.

Despite shoe after shoe continuing to drop…long after Bob Mueller himself said “uh…never mind” after spending two years and $40 million investigating a fairy tale…these delusional, lying whack jobs STILL acting like it was all real is richer than Barry Obama’s Netflix deals.

The delusion and hubris are disgustingly beyond comprehension.

So, the latest shoe storm that rained on these Leftist Scumbags was the DOJ dismissing the prosecution of Michael Flynn, Trump’s short time National Security Advisor, for lying to the FBI.

NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin wrote a great piece outlining the history of, not only the political lynching of Michael Flynn, but its ties to the whole Russian collusion fiction.

This stuff is so critical to understand, I’m just going to defer to Mr. Goodwin and provide excerpts from his concise journalistic filet mignon instead of my usual blathering corned beef hash blog you’re accustomed to… Continue reading


The floodgates opened just a smidge vis-a-vis Sleepy Senile Joe’s coming out party…finally responding to the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations, as did much of the mainstream media.

But before you even THINK about giving these nauseating hypocrites ANY credit, Biden and the media had zero choice BUT to address it at this point…particularly in light of their 24/7 crucifixion of Brett Kavanaugh a mere 18 months ago.

It’s like an arsonist torching a building, then calling the fire department three hours after the place was a pile of ashes.

Quite simply…too little, too late.  Screw your pats on the back.

So, the quick update is that Biden hopped…no…eased…into his stairlift like a warm bubble bath, hit the down button, and descended to his basement bunker last week to do an interview with BSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Continue reading