Skirting The Issue

Long before Trump cruised down that escalator in his ritzy 5th Avenue Tower…tastefully adorned in pink marble…the media had already morphed into nothing but a water-carrying, advocacy appendage of the Democrat Party.

We saw it.  We knew it.  And with some degree of resignation, we accepted it.

But now?  In the Age of Trump?  Mere left wing “advocacy” has fully transformed into rabid hostility, driven by relentless and blind hatred.

The difference in reporting is as stark as the “pre” and “post” steroid baseball card pics of sluggers like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds.

Depending on which “news” outlets you frequent…you MAY have heard recently of serious sexual assault charges leveled against Sleepy Joe back in 1993 by an ex-staffer named Tara Reade.

Horny Joe?  Don’t do it, Donald.  Just let it go.

The accusations are pretty stark…Joe pinned her against a wall, hand up the skirt, fingers strategically inserted into places they shouldn’t be inserted sans invitation.

C’mon, that’s about as PG-13 as I could do.  Writing is all about “painting the picture,” after all.

Clearly, light years beyond the usual “touchy-feely-shoulder rubbing” Creepy Joe.

Viewed in a vacuum, this would just be the normal, disgusting, run-of-the-mill journalistic malpractice we see every effing day from these lying leftist scumbags.

But when you swizzle in the context of the how the media pushed the incredible last minute Brett Kavanaugh accusations 24/7…it just makes this historic hypocrisy and epic bias of omission a hundred times more nauseating.

That daffy Christine Blasey-Ford…who was pushed into the spotlight at the 11th hour by the Democratic establishment and media with her own flaccid sexual assault allegations in a Hail Mary attempt to keep Kavanaugh off the High Court…couldn’t remember any details…or even meeting Kavanaugh…and had zero corroboration – from people she said could.

A story flimsier that an overcooked strand of fettuccini.

Yet the mainstream media reported this 24/7 for weeks, largely as fact, inextricably intertwining themselves into the web of #METOO mania…which, like the sham Diversity Movement, seemingly only applies to liberals.

“ALL WOMEN MUST BE BELIEVED!!!” squealed every Democrat Senator and Lib pundit.

Unless it hurts “THEIR GUY,” I reckon.

Effing hypocrites.

Tara Reade worked directly for Joe Biden.  Tara Reade told several people…including her mother…about this “alleged” assault.

ALL of whom have corroborated her story.  

Then, out of nowhere…THE CNN TAPE!

MAYDAY!  MAYDAY!…shrieked every member of the sinking Biden campaign.

So…a clip from CNN’s “Larry King Live” in 1993 purportedly shows Reade’s mother, Jeanette Altimus, calling into the show anonymously, alluding to her daughter’s sexual assault claim against a “prominent Senator” she worked for.

The call?  From San Luis Obispo, CA, where her mother lived then, according to property records.  The voice?  Without a doubt, her mother’s, according to Tara.

Sadly, Tara’s mother died in 2016.  Like a voice from the grave.

(Cue The Twilight Zone music)

The date of that Larry King show was August 11, 1993.  Congressional records list August 1993 as Reade’s last month of employment with Biden’s Senate office.

She was fired, by the way…disappearing abruptly, according to interns she supervised.

Factually speaking…Tara Reade’s accusation puzzle is falling perfectly into place…as opposed to Blasey-Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh, which crumbled like a saltine into chicken noodle soup under the weight of scrutiny no heavier than a feather.

And whenever Biden is forced to address this, his denials will be meaningless.  In his current state of cognitive decline, he sure as shit won’t remember anything about 1993…much less what he was doing with his fingers on any particular day.

Even the inevitable wails of RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY! as an obfuscation are already obliterated.  Tara Reade is a lifelong Democrat…as are the few folks corroborating her story.

In fact, here’s an on-the-record quote from one of them, ex-neighbor Lynda LaCasse…“personally am a Democrat – a very strong Democrat.  And I’m for Biden, regardless.  But still, I have to come out and say this.“

And finally…it was The Intercept, a liberal website, that uncovered the 1993 CNN tape.

Makes the whole thing all the more damn compelling.

Still, no conclusions being jumped to here.  Innocent until proven guilty.


Sadly, Brett Kavanaugh wasn’t afforded the same “courtesy.”

But that’s not the point.

The corrupt media’s refusal to touch this story…is the point.

Democrat Senators who all scurried to microphones declaring…one-by-one…that ALL women should be believed…NO MATTER WHAT!…and they sure as hell believed Christine Blasey-Ford…but are now silent…is the point.

Quite simply, the epic hypocrisy…is the point.

The sheer idiotiocy of the national press…pretending like there aren’t already a mountain of legitimate news organizations reporting all of this….is breathtaking.

Are they stuck in some kind of a weird “Back to the Future” 1985 time warp, where all we knew was what Libs like Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather felt like telling us every evening?

Once the Left and the media can no longer hide behind the Coronavirus, they’ll be jonesing for the days where all they had to worry about was answering to the fortune Hunter Biden made in Ukraine sitting on some corrupt company’s board while Daddy spearheaded Ukraine policy.

Don’t need to call Sherlock Holmes to figure THAT shit out.

If the DNC was smart…a quite ridiculous assertion on its face…they’d use this as an excuse to kill Sleepy Joe’s imploding candidacy.

Just like the media has killed Tara Reade’s painful story.





3 thoughts on “Skirting The Issue

  1. tacopepper

    There is a lot of hypocrisy here and you make a lot of good points. That being said, you and many of your readers willfully voted for a person who has not only been accused of sexual assault but has openly bragged about it, so it makes me wonder if any voter who supports Trump or Biden really cares about this issue at all other than using it for political ammunition. I’m proud to say I never have, and never will vote for someone who brags about committing sexual assault. I’m glad you and others think that is fine and worthy of your undying love and devotion.

  2. llroot53

    You obviously have a comprehension problem. He never said he “DID” that…only that it could be done if one was a rich/famous person.

  3. Tom

    Trump is clearly the winner. Trump has a demonstrated track record that far exceeds Sleepy Joe’s ability to harass and assault women. Hands down, Trump is the Best at sexual assault by a 10-1 ratio. Trump has more experience, more technique, more lines and more victims and more NDA’s in place. Trump is clearly the best and he will pummel Biden on this issue. Seems like the best Biden can come up with is maybe 2 people to say he’s a sexual predator, but Trump can easily find dozens of victims. Slam Dunk – Issue Closed – Trump Wins! (OUVA)


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