Daily Archives: April 30, 2020

Skirting The Issue

Long before Trump cruised down that escalator in his ritzy 5th Avenue Tower…tastefully adorned in pink marble…the media had already morphed into nothing but a water-carrying, advocacy appendage of the Democrat Party.

We saw it.  We knew it.  And with some degree of resignation, we accepted it.

But now?  In the Age of Trump?  Mere left wing “advocacy” has fully transformed into rabid hostility, driven by relentless and blind hatred.

The difference in reporting is as stark as the “pre” and “post” steroid baseball card pics of sluggers like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds.

Depending on which “news” outlets you frequent…you MAY have heard recently of serious sexual assault charges leveled against Sleepy Joe back in 1993 by an ex-staffer named Tara Reade.

Horny Joe?  Don’t do it, Donald.  Just let it go. Continue reading