Chuck Fina

My lame switcheroo attempt at NOT dropping an expletive in this week’s blog title.

Speaking of which…I’m occasionally told that I curse too much.  Can you imagine?

The hard fact is that virtually every study shows that cursing: 1) Is a sign of high intelligence, and 2) Has many health benefits.

So yeah, let’s just part ways on this one.

Um…Does it still count as an expletive if it contains a strategically placed *asterisk*?
For example…F*ck You.  Or…Eat Sh*t.

Food for thought.

Anyway…Chuck Fina.  And the goddamn rickshaw they rode in on.

And…uh…apologies to anyone actually NAMED Chuck Fina.

I find it absolutely nauseating that the Left and the media STILL refuse to acknowledge that…regardless of whether this stupid virus originated in a wet market or escaped a lab in Wuhan…China hid it for weeks, PURPOSELY enabling it to spread unfettered throughout the world.

Either way, it’s been unequivocally used as a bio-weapon.

So yeah…in terms of wet markets, labs…like that Hideous Hag Hillary blathered once upon a time at a Benghazi hearing…”AT THIS POINT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?”

Did I just ACTUALLY quote Hillary Clinton to make a legitimate point?  Ugh.

And keeping with the theme of hideous hags, Nancy Pelosi made a breathtakingly embarrassing appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.

Wallace beautifully shoved her own quote down her throat, when near the END OF FEBRUARY, she implored people to come VISIT CHINATOWN! in her cesspool SF district.

Wallace challenged her BS narrative that Trump didn’t take this threat seriously when almost a month AFTER Trump shut down China travel…saving thousands of lives, according to Dr. Fauci…she flapped her Botox-filled gums, encouraging folks to COME ON DOWN TO CHINATOWN!!!

According to Speaker Moron, all she intended was to “end the discrimination, the stigma, that was going out against the Asian-American community.”

Now, THAT’S talent.  Her response simultaneously failed the laugh, smell, AND sanity tests!

So allow me to decipher for the mentally defective Leftists out there…to fight against phony, made-up discrimination, she’s going to risk the lives of thousands of people IN HER OWN DISTRICT.

My friggin’ God.

Point is…is there a single person in the Milky Way that doesn’t know we ALL fell victim to China’s lies?

And even a month AFTER Trump acted decisively, world health officials were STILL saying NO PROBLEMO.

So clearly, that’s why their asinine “Trump acted slowly” false narrative is as impotent as a pack of angry eunuchs.

C’mon, if you were a eunuch, wouldn’t YOU be angry??

Fun Fact:  I worked the word “eunuch” into my blog for a second straight week.

Yet a whole sickening political Ménage-a-Trois has developed between Pelosi and the Democrats, The Media, and the World Health Organization, desperately trying to protect China.


Because if this all TRUMP’S fault, it CAN’T be China’s fault, silly!

Quick Mea Culpa…I realize that dropping the term “Ménage a Trois” and invoking Pelosi in the same sentence elicits a sort of involuntary “throwing up in your mouth” event.

Sorry about that.

Anyway…It’s painfully obvious that this Trump Hating Cartel is WISHING AND HOPING for such a massive amount of economic calamity, that desperate voters will be forced to run Trump out on a rail.

And they’re all too happy to nudge it along.

Don’t believe me?

A week before the money earmarked for small businesses in the Paycheck Protection Program ran out, Mitch McConnell put a one page bill together simply plussing-up that money in the already passed CARES Act.

The proverbial Maxine Waters.  I mean, no-brainer.

To say that time is of the essence here is more of an understatement than saying Michael Moore occasionally overeats.

22 million newly unemployed and growing by the hour…small businesses dying daily…and Pelosi and the Demoschmucks give everyone the finger, purposely holding things up for a couple weeks.


Do the math.  That’s a full month of delay.  In THIS environment?



An assertion as disgusting as it is true.

My God, how much more obvious can this be?  I mean, have you SEEN the vile, illegal crap the Destroy Trump Mob is capable of over the past four years?

But alas, their narrative rabbit has indeed croaked, they’re ALREADY knocked-up with Trump, and the due date is November 3rd, 2020.

And for these pathetic libtard losers, the birth of Trump’s second term will be far, far more painful that actual childbirth.

5 thoughts on “Chuck Fina

  1. tacopepper

    Answer me this, TDR. After your dreamboat Donnie closed SOME (not all as he claims) travel from China in such a bold action, can you confirm that he also immediately ceased holding political rallies in crowded spaces in February or SURELY in March? If you are going to pick on Pelosi’s stroll through Chinatown in February, I’m sure you would be equally incensed if our BIGLY proactive, highly informed stable genius continued to put citizens at risk holding his Hillbilly Nuremberg Rallies? Yeah, that’s what I thought. As usual, your head only turns one direction when you point out hypocrisy or failure.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Once again, facts need not apply in the rotted brain of a TDS victim.

      First…the lion’s share of people leaving China after the ban of foreign nationals were Americans. If Trump stranded Americans in China, the media pussies would have had the biggest leg-wetting conniption in the history of the world.

      Second…When people like Pelosi and Bill de Blasio implored folks to participate in dense social gatherings, we were in a CONTAINMENT & CONTACT TRACING phase…clearly behind the eight ball due to China’s lies. So Trump had a couple rallies in that period? So what?

      The whole point is that now the entire Left has created a BS narrative that Trump could have acted faster, despite guys like Fauci saying on March 1st, there’s nothing to worry about. People lose their shit when Trump says anything medical related…yet somehow he was supposed to know more than the Fauci’s of the world in Feb and early March?

      Yet he STILL shut down travel from China on JAN 31st, and then Europe, and was summarily called a racist for doing it. And it saved tens of thousands of lives in the U.S. according the the medical experts.

      Narratives die under the bright light of facts and context, and this one died in a fiery crash long ago. But you go right on ahead pleasuring your BSNBC masters under the desk in a dark room…far, far away from the blinding light of facts and context.

  2. tacopepper

    Very well spoken thoughts from an enthusiastic supporter of a guy who wants us to take a look at injecting disinfectants after his passionate campaign for Hydroxychloroquine was exposed as a big of a failure as he is. He’s a clown and so is anybody who votes for him or supports him.


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