Invisible Joe

We’ve heard’em all from our Nicknamer-in-Chief.

Sleepy Joe…Creepy Joe…Crazy Joe.


Politically speaking, this pandemic was an absolute Godsend for these libtards.

Biden seems to be the only guy on the planet quarantined for something other than the Coronavirus.

I may not know much, but I know ONE thing…in terms of Biden on the campaign trail…less is more.

Like golf scores.  And ERA’s.

Hey…who ISN’T a sucker for sports analogies?

So…not too long ago, the conventional wisdom was that Biden’s campaign had one foot in the grave, and the other on a greasy black banana peel.

Then the DNC orchestrated yet ANOTHER screwing of poor Bernie…and once again, didn’t even buy him dinner first.

And as they say…the rest is history.

By the way, that deafening roar you hear is every Trump-Hating Editorial Board in the country collectively cheering in sheer unabated relief that they don’t have to seriously ponder endorsing that Crazy Commie Curmudgeon.

Problem is…now Biden has the stage all to himself, and this makes the Democratic establishment more nervous than folks are at the prospect of their Governor declaring liquor stores non-essential businesses.

So…enter the Wuhan Virus.  Or as the Left refers to it…Political Nirvana.

For any other candidate, this involuntarily induced disappearing act would elicit unmitigated panic.

But for Joe and the DNC, it’s like winning the Powerball, Publisher’s Clearinghouse, and free lifetime services at The Bunny Ranch…ALL ON THE SAME DAY!

Assuming Limpy Joe could even take advantage of the latter, that is.

I mean, this guy can’t even navigate himself through a three-minute softball interview with ass-kissing leftist media outlets.

In an appearance with those nauseating Yentas on “The View,” Biden was a befuddled mess.

When asked if businesses should reopen in the near future, Joe responded, “We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse, no matter what.”

The most sophisticated super-computer on the planet couldn’t solve that verbal Rubik’s Cube.

So, Team Biden…in their infinite wisdom…also thought it would just be a dandy idea to throw Senile Joe in front of a teleprompter to do a livestream detailing HIS plan to fight the Coronavirus crisis.

I mean, what could POSSIBLY go wrong???

Amid apparent “technical difficulties,” a flummoxed Joe stammers…”And in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well let me go to the second thing, I’ve spoken enough on that.”

Me thinks America has seen quite enough of this guy regurgitating incoherent word salads, thank you very much.

Pass the Creamy Italian, would ya?

Leader of the free world?  My God, if THAT thought doesn’t curl your toes…

Look, notwithstanding the fact that Biden’s been a horrible presidential candidate multiple times…Trump calls him “1% Joe” for a reason…if we were talking about Biden a decade ago…OK…then we’re talking “gaffes,” not “dementia.”

But to pretend this guy’s mental acuity isn’t dropping faster than a eunuch’s sperm count…please.

This absolutely TERRIFIES Democrats. To their friggin’ core.  And it should.

The latest conventional wisdom is that the 2020 election has been transformed into primarily a referendum on President Trump’s response to the Coronavirus crisis.

Not exactly.

The REAL thought process will not be so much an assessment of Trump’s response…but a simple comparison…imagining a guy with Biden’s age-related mental deficiencies AND clear lack of physical stamina…guiding the country AT ALL…much less through THIS disaster.

One disaster at a time, please.

Just a quick note to those on the Left and in the media who try to explain away Biden’s incoherent blathering…”Senility” and “Gaffes” are separate and distinct things.


Joe Biden clearly…CLEARLY…cannot mentally or physically handle even RUNNING for President, much less BEING President.  Full Stop.

THAT’S painfully obvious.  And THAT’S the point.

And NO amount of hatred for Donald Trump…or Fake News narratives…or hiding Biden from public view…is EVER going to change that.

Trump said the other day that his decision on when to start opening up the economy will be his biggest decision ever.

Sleepy Joe’s biggest decision…a big old yawner for other nominees…will be his VP pick.

Because ultimately…THAT is who will be running against Trump.

1 thought on “Invisible Joe

  1. tacopepper

    Credit where credit is due, I don’t have much to disagree with in your assessment of Joe Biden. That being said, to pretend that the other presumptive nominee has full possession of his faculties is laughable. He’s almost as old as Joe, and while he’s certainly at an elevated risk for some notable mental decline in the next 4.75 years, the real problem is that he has been dealing with less than a full deck for so long it is more of a basic intelligence deficiency. He’s ill-informed and ignorant, and while neither of those are a crime, the fact that he effectively refuses to read in detail or listen to those around him who are significantly more intelligent than he is leaves us with a rambling clueless aging man who makes false statements and reckless, unfounded accusations daily in an era where we need honesty, science, humility and collaboration. No matter what he thinks, he is NOT in TOTAL control of himself of anything else.


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