Pissing in the Wind

I’ve always been pretty simpatico with President Trump’s characterization of the Fake News as “Enemy of the People.”

Although, slaves to accuracy that we here at The Drunken Republican are…it’s REALLY Enemy of HALF the People, isn’t it?  Because the half that hates Trump get big old raging woodies from the fake news narratives quite carefully crafted daily by these faux journalist subversives.

The dynamic that REALLY intrigues me is that when presented with clear evidence, facts, and/or context that completely eviscerates any particular fake news narrative, the TDS nitwits…virtually 100% of the time…refuse to acknowledge it.


The Helen Keller act is really sapping my strength.

Anyway…this Wuhan virus hit us like a truck for one reason…China hid critical information from the world and lied about it for several weeks.

I previously cited a study out of the U.K. that found ~95% of the spread would not have happened had China fessed-up just three lousy weeks earlier and allowed world health officials in to investigate.

And the world’s been drinking from a firehose ever since, playing catch up…test kits, protective equipment, ventilators, therapies and vaccines, fighting an economic collapse, yada, yada.

We’ve never seen anything like this.  EVER.  Everyone caught with their figurative pants down…the CDC…states…hospitals.

It’s like planning a party for 50 guests…and 5,000 showed up.

Tragic…but understandable on some level.

Certainly not to the Monday Morning Quarterbacks or “hindsighters,” though, that are simply rooting for maximum Armageddon…using this crisis as nothing more than a Democratic campaign ad.

Death?  Economic collapse?  NO PROBLEM!

Simply a means to an end for these scumbags.

But putting all that aside for the moment…

Let’s explore further the Granddaddy of all Narratives that’s being jammed harder up our collective cabooses than a ham-handed colonoscopy…Trump’s delay in taking action is costing lives.


In fact, THEY are the ones that downplayed the whole thing from Day 1.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this next segment, titled…”Choking on their Own Words”…

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and one of the lead Coronavirus Task Force Members, said this on January 21st…TEN.  DAYS.  BEFORE.  TRUMP’S.  TRAVEL.  BAN……..

This is NOT a major threat to the people of the United States and this is NOT something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now.”

(Note: Not attacking Dr. Fauci…just offering perspective).

The day after Trump’s travel ban of Chinese Nationals on Jan 31st…Sleepy, Senile, Crazy, Creepy Joe Biden said, “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering.”

The Princess of Puke herself, Nutcake Nancy Pelosi, was in her toilet bowl district, San Francisco on February 24th, and blathered, “…we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are – we’re, again, careful, safe – AND COME JOIN US!”

Just two days later, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a story titled, “Get ready now for probable Coronavirus pandemic in U.S., FEDERAL OFFICIALS WARN.”

On March 3rd…New York City Mayor Comrade Bill De Blasio, stunningly tweeted, “Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + GET OUT ON THE TOWN DESPITE CORONAVIRUS, I thought I would offer some suggestions…”

New York consistently accounts for ~40% of the Coronavirus cases and deaths in the entire country.

And a shit ton of articles and op-eds in The NY Times and WaPost’s of the world completely poo-pooing and mocking the seriousness of the virus in Jan & Feb..

Point is…because of China’s lies, the whole friggin’ world got it wrong in Jan & Feb…including the ENTIRE LEFT AND HEALTH EXPERTS, evidenced by their own words.

Jesus, even the friggin’ World Health Organization…who seems to be brilliantly playing the part of China’s lapdog for some inexplicable reason, parroted the Communist regime’s knowing lies in mid-Jan, saying, “…Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel Coronavirus…”

Then at the end of Jan when Trump ordered the China travel ban, the WHO…continuing to pleasure China under the desk…embarrassingly blathers that the ban would, “have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.”

Look…Trump was the same victim of Chinese lies, cover-up, and misinformation as everyone else.

Yet, while he was directing travel bans, setting up task forces, eliminating FDA red tape, and mobilizing the entire federal government and private sector in a wartime footing, his bastard critics were imploring people to GO OUT ON THE EFFING TOWN!!!

Hence the sick fantasy that is this narrative.

My utter disdain for these SOB’s…and anyone that cheerleads them…is limitless.

The proverbial silver lining?

Like Michael Moore’s dieting attempts…it’s all for naught.

I mean…this isn’t forty or fifty years ago when all we had to rely on was what The NY Times or Commie Walter Cronkite…as Archie Bunker called him…FELT like telling us.

Today, we have more 24/7 news sources than Imelda Marcos had shoes.  And quite a few actually tell the truth.

As for the phony narrative game, we can all enjoy watching the Leftist liars continue to piss in the wind.

Just use a little strategy as to your vantage point.



1 thought on “Pissing in the Wind

  1. Tom B.

    Just like the stock market votes on the success & shortfalls of the economy, the American people will vote on the success & shortfalls of our leader. The American people will decide if our leader should have done more, sooner. We’ll know the answer on November 3rd. I trust our system to do the right thing. I also believe most people can tell the difference between facts and pissing in the wind.


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