Speaker of the Nut House

I literally cannot get enough of President Trump’s near-daily Coronavirus briefings.

There is nothing…I mean NOTHING…more entertaining than Trump sparring with the faux journalists in the Fake News Media.  And a lot of great information and critical COVID-19 status to boot.

I didn’t call it the “Chinese virus.”  Look at me, being all “woke.”  How proud you must be!

And simply knowing half of the country’s heads are exploding over every Trump utterance…makes the briefings all the more satisfying.

Living with TDS must be like “payback”…AN.  ABSOLUTE.  BITCH.

Anyway, there IS one individual that could totally and legitimately rival The Donald on the Entertainment-O-Meter.

I give you…Republican Senator John Kennedy, from the great state of Louisiana.


No nonsense truth teller, with kind of a patriotic American good-old-boy charm and southern drawl…and I use the term “good-old-boy” with the utmost respect.

And an absolute “take no prisoners” sound-bite machine.  OH.  MY.  GOD.

Just a small sampling of this awesomeness from a single interview on cable news this past weekend…

Ya know, life is hard…but it’s harder when you’re stupid.”

Congress polls right up there with robocalls and sinkholes.”

“A lot of my people are very upset at the spending porn on pet projects that was slipped into the bill.”

It’s why so many Americans think there’s no intelligent life in Washington D.C.  This is what many Americans heard…members of Congress say, “Oh, my God.  We could run out of ventilators.  Oh my God, people could die quickly.  Let’s give money to The Kennedy Center and Post Office now!”

This is a nice entertaining segue into the real point of all this…and that is what a vile, disgusting human being Nancy Pelosi is.

A bit rough, you say?  Nah.  Trust me…this is my feeble attempt at sugarcoating.

Let’s start with the massive $2.2T Coronavirus Economic Relief Bill that finally passed the House last week after Pelosi single-handedly stopped the Senate version of the bill that was virtually agreed to in its tracks.

Just like during the impeachment “trial,” this nutty broad…who, quite appropriately,  is Speaker of the NUT HOUSE…erroneously thinks she has some Constitutional power over the Senate.

Pelosi is Schumer’s “work wife.”  And boy, does she wears the pants.

In fact, rumor has it that Cryin’ Chuck’s naughty bits are floating in a jar of formaldehyde on Pelosi’s desk.

Quite the conversation piece, I reckon.

Anyway…she proceeds to hijack the entire process, delays it for a week…her crooked old middle finger hoisted proudly in the air at suffering Americans…and jams into this relief bill the following (partial) Leftist Christmas Wishlist…

  • Mandated “diversity” on corporate boards and in banks.
  • Required airlines to disclose and reduce emissions.
  • Mandated that states allow voting by mail.
  • Increased union bargaining power.
  • Expanded tax credits for wind and solar power.
  • Prohibited universities from disclosing the citizenship status of their students.

Pelosi wasn’t gonna let THIS damn crisis go to waste, NO SIREE BOB!!!

Thankfully, none of the aforementioned crap survived.

What DID survive was $175 million for The Kennedy Center, National Endowment for the Arts, and National Public Radio (NPR).

All worthy things…but a travesty and abomination as far as allocating a thin dime in THIS bill.

Honestly…Throwing Pelosi a few shekels to make her shut her wrinkled old fat trap was a WAY better strategy than succumbing to a bunch of bone-crushing regulations.

Seems she may have taken her cue from fellow House Power Broker and crisis-lover, James Clyburn (D-SC), who called this largest bill EVER, a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit OUR VISION.”


I mean…he actually said that OUT LOUD.

Honestly…WTF is wrong with these people?  AND their defenders?

A crisis that would rival any other in the last century, and all these scumbags want to do is push their stupid Lefty agenda that’ll destroy the country post haste.

So…Continuing with the theme of “Things Nancy Pelosi does that make me want to heave-up my breakfast…

In an interview with Fake News CNN’s Jake Tapper, Pelosi blathers the following through her rickety dentures…”As the President fiddles, people are dying.”

Now, Tapper…who could have eviscerated that statement with a mountain of facts…sat and stared at her like a post-lobotomy mental patient.

You want “FIDDLING’, Nancy?…You walking, talking bottle of ipecac syrup.

I’ll give you “FIDDLING”…

While Trump was shutting down travel from China ten effing days after the first U.S. COVID-19 case…and quickly with Europe thereafter…saving thousands and thousands of lives according to the experts…YOU and your loony leftist lap-dogs were calling him a xenophobic bigot.

When Trump was assembling his amazing Coronavirus task force, creating unprecedented public/private partnerships, mobilizing every government agency and the military to the hilt, and leading massive coordination with the States…YOU were handing out impeachment pens.

When Trump was LITERALLY MOVING HEAVEN AND EARTH to save lives and the economy, you were stopping critical legislation by disgustingly trying to jam the Green New Deal, abortion funding, and a pile of other steamy, unrelated shit into the bill.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham was equally nauseated by Pelosi’s outrageous statement.  He opined, “That’s the most shameful, disgusting statement by any politician in modern history.”

Now THAT’S sayin’ somethin’.

So…on behalf of Lindsey Graham…Yours Truly…and half of the friggin’ country…


1 thought on “Speaker of the Nut House

  1. tacopepper

    Balanced reply here, random thoughts.

    Trump stopping travel from China: GOOD
    Trump flip-flopping on virus vs. economy: BAD
    Trump finally admitting others are MUCH SMARTER than him on this: GOOD
    Trump making MULTIPLE public statements in January through March minimizing the anticipated impact of COVID-19: BAD

    Pelosi (and others) trying to expand avenues for ALL citizens to be able to vote: GOOD
    Pelosi playing games with the stimulus act and shoving unnecessary line items in the bill: BAD

    Both of these leaders have bungled many key elements of 2020, and have occasionally gotten it right. It’s comical how you paint Trumps performance as flawless as there are many documented facts where it wasn’t. It’s also comical how you only see perfection in the GOP at large and find nothing but fault across the aisle.

    BALANCE is a wonderful thing. You should try to find more of it in life.


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