Daily Archives: April 1, 2020

Speaker of the Nut House

I literally cannot get enough of President Trump’s near-daily Coronavirus briefings.

There is nothing…I mean NOTHING…more entertaining than Trump sparring with the faux journalists in the Fake News Media.  And a lot of great information and critical COVID-19 status to boot.

I didn’t call it the “Chinese virus.”  Look at me, being all “woke.”  How proud you must be!

And simply knowing half of the country’s heads are exploding over every Trump utterance…makes the briefings all the more satisfying.

Living with TDS must be like “payback”…AN.  ABSOLUTE.  BITCH.

Anyway, there IS one individual that could totally and legitimately rival The Donald on the Entertainment-O-Meter.

I give you…Republican Senator John Kennedy, from the great state of Louisiana.

THIS.  GUY.  IS.  THE.  GREATEST. Continue reading