Monthly Archives: April 2020

Skirting The Issue

Long before Trump cruised down that escalator in his ritzy 5th Avenue Tower…tastefully adorned in pink marble…the media had already morphed into nothing but a water-carrying, advocacy appendage of the Democrat Party.

We saw it.  We knew it.  And with some degree of resignation, we accepted it.

But now?  In the Age of Trump?  Mere left wing “advocacy” has fully transformed into rabid hostility, driven by relentless and blind hatred.

The difference in reporting is as stark as the “pre” and “post” steroid baseball card pics of sluggers like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds.

Depending on which “news” outlets you frequent…you MAY have heard recently of serious sexual assault charges leveled against Sleepy Joe back in 1993 by an ex-staffer named Tara Reade.

Horny Joe?  Don’t do it, Donald.  Just let it go. Continue reading

Chuck Fina

My lame switcheroo attempt at NOT dropping an expletive in this week’s blog title.

Speaking of which…I’m occasionally told that I curse too much.  Can you imagine?

The hard fact is that virtually every study shows that cursing: 1) Is a sign of high intelligence, and 2) Has many health benefits.

So yeah, let’s just part ways on this one.

Um…Does it still count as an expletive if it contains a strategically placed *asterisk*?
For example…F*ck You.  Or…Eat Sh*t.

Food for thought.

Anyway…Chuck Fina.  And the goddamn rickshaw they rode in on.

And…uh…apologies to anyone actually NAMED Chuck Fina. Continue reading

Invisible Joe

We’ve heard’em all from our Nicknamer-in-Chief.

Sleepy Joe…Creepy Joe…Crazy Joe.


Politically speaking, this pandemic was an absolute Godsend for these libtards.

Biden seems to be the only guy on the planet quarantined for something other than the Coronavirus.

I may not know much, but I know ONE thing…in terms of Biden on the campaign trail…less is more.

Like golf scores.  And ERA’s.

Hey…who ISN’T a sucker for sports analogies? Continue reading

Pissing in the Wind

I’ve always been pretty simpatico with President Trump’s characterization of the Fake News as “Enemy of the People.”

Although, slaves to accuracy that we here at The Drunken Republican are…it’s REALLY Enemy of HALF the People, isn’t it?  Because the half that hates Trump get big old raging woodies from the fake news narratives quite carefully crafted daily by these faux journalist subversives.

The dynamic that REALLY intrigues me is that when presented with clear evidence, facts, and/or context that completely eviscerates any particular fake news narrative, the TDS nitwits…virtually 100% of the time…refuse to acknowledge it.


The Helen Keller act is really sapping my strength. Continue reading

Speaker of the Nut House

I literally cannot get enough of President Trump’s near-daily Coronavirus briefings.

There is nothing…I mean NOTHING…more entertaining than Trump sparring with the faux journalists in the Fake News Media.  And a lot of great information and critical COVID-19 status to boot.

I didn’t call it the “Chinese virus.”  Look at me, being all “woke.”  How proud you must be!

And simply knowing half of the country’s heads are exploding over every Trump utterance…makes the briefings all the more satisfying.

Living with TDS must be like “payback”…AN.  ABSOLUTE.  BITCH.

Anyway, there IS one individual that could totally and legitimately rival The Donald on the Entertainment-O-Meter.

I give you…Republican Senator John Kennedy, from the great state of Louisiana.

THIS.  GUY.  IS.  THE.  GREATEST. Continue reading