Pandemic Propaganda

Quick addendum to the litany of Fake News highlighted in last week’s blog…

There was this fallacious report going around that the Trump Administration cut the White House Pandemic Response Office. 

In an op-ed published in the Washington Post last week, the former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense at the NSC, Tim Morrison, called BS on what he referred to as “election year political narrative.”

A few of Mr. Morrison’s quotes…

“It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction.”

“One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense.”

“It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.”

Another piece of Fake News bites the dust…apologies to Freddie Mercury.

I have to tell ya, I could not be more amused…or less surprised…at the continual and absurd cries of racism by calling this friggin’ virus the “Chinese virus,” or some other similar variation.

And yes…”Kung Flu” is knee-slappingly hilarious.  I wish I thought of it.

In the EVERYTHING IS RACIST ORGY, this is a particularly long leap…even for the loony libtards.

These types of things are virtually ALWAYS named based on their geographic origins…Spanish Flu, West Nile Virus, Ebola Fever, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)…German Measles…Japanese encephalitis.


The list goes on…and on…and on.

The Obama Administration referrered to “MERS” as “MERS” eight million times, and rightfully, nobody screamed ISLAMOPHOBIA!!!

So with all due respect…JUST STFU.  Please.

Although watching liberals get all wadded up in their skivvies feigning outrage trying to even make the argument is almost as entertaining as a rip-roaring Trump rally.

Look…PC kills.  I’ve said it for years.  Just ask Italy. 

Dr. Giorgio Palù, a professor of virology and microbiology of the University of Padova in Italy, told CNN… “There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China.”  He said the Italian government balked at the idea of singling out travelers coming from China out of concern it could be construed as racist.

In fact, shortly after President Trump banned travel from China, the mayor of Florence launched a “Hug a Chinese” Day.

Good Lord.

The rest is history, as they say.

But here’s what’s even more repulsive.

No, not a ravenous Michael Moore on Burrito Night at the Golden Corral.

There is a clear, concerted effort in the media to play the useful idiot…which comes quite naturally for liberals…and push obvious Chinese Propaganda.

In fact, it’s Chinese propaganda that continues to perpetuate the woke joke that referring to the virus by its place of origin is racist.  They not only mock us for our absurd and dangerous political correctness…and you can add Russia and Iran to THAT list…but actively use it against us to divide and paper-over obvious truths.

Whether it’s the asinine racism charge, or virtually ignoring the disastrous effects of China keeping this outbreak hidden for weeks…the media has actively and overtly taken the side of China over the U.S.

I mean…have you SEEN their recent performance in the White House press room??

Subversive, I think they call it in academic circles.

You can add to that the journalistic whitewash of Trump’s early China travel ban, which Dr. Fauci said absolutely prevented a humanitarian crisis in the United States on the scale of the one that Italy is facing.

Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden called the China travel ban “hysterical xenophobia.”

Go back to sleep Joe.  Warm milk and fuzzy slippers on the way.  Sweet dreams.

Further, a recent study by Southampton University found that had China been forthcoming about this virus THREE WEEKS earlier, 95% of the outbreak would have been avoided.


Yet the media continues to run interference for China.  More nauseating than Joy Behar in a two-piece.

And according to a recent article by Axios, the World Health Organization was also complicit in pushing Chinese propaganda, when on January 14th, they parroted “Chinese authorities” that there is “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel Coronavirus.”

I could go on.  But you get the idea.

One piece of good news…China has now banned their putrid “wet markets,” where every little furry exotic animal you can think of is killed on site and people are up to their ankles in blood, guts, and feces…historically a massive breeding ground for these deadly viruses.

C’mon…nobody really needs to eat monkey brains and koala bears, do they?   Unless you happen to think it’s worth thousands of deaths and tanking the world economy.

It’ll be a challenge shuttering these places given their “cultural” significance, but kudos to China for the effort.

And in the first installment of The Drunken Republican “Smack My Ass And Call Me Sally” News…

Minnesota Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar…a rather horrible human being who brings Anti-Semitism to epic new heights…has joined with fellow Trump-haters, Governors Newsom and Cuomo of California and NY, respectively, in praising President Trump for his leadership in his Coronavirus response.

Knocked me on my ass like a Mike Tyson right-hook.

Hey, maybe she’s not so horrible after all?

Nah.  She is.  A single freakish moment of clarity won’t change that.

2 thoughts on “Pandemic Propaganda

  1. Tom B.

    Are escargot, oysters, conk fritters, or ox tail soup any worse than monkey brains or crispy bat wings? I don’t think so.


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