Ranting, Raving, and Riffing

Does it feel like the whole world is spinning out of control, or is it just my hangover?

The chaos is palpable…so many issues to comment on…I’m having complete sensory overload.  I just want to hide in a dark room and drown myself in a bottle of single malt scotch.

Ya know, the good 18 year stuff, not that 12 year rot gut you carry in a crumpled brown bag in your glove compartment.  Cheap booze tends to heighten one’s misery exponentially.

Trust me on that.

Or maybe just forgo the booze (GASP!) and drown myself in hand sanitizer.

Anyway, I’ll go as rapid fire and cover as much ground as I can…

Ok, the Coronavirus is really serious and certainly warrants a significant level of concern and vigilance…and I’m NOT downplaying it…but the sheer panic driven by the 24/7 ominous reporting by the mainstream media is absolutely asinine.

We need facts and status…not cries of the coming zombie apocalypse.

The ulterior motive, of course, is to stoke maximum panic to tank the economy and stock market, and take down Trump in November.

The Left and Media have proven they will literally stop at nothing to destroy Trump, and at a time we all need to come together, they will not BY AN EFFING LONGSHOT let THIS crisis go to waste.

Anyone NOT see that clear as day already?

The reality?  Trump halting all travel to the U.S. from China six weeks ago against advice from even his own people massively slowed the initial spread of the virus here, basically buying the administration time to organize, coordinate, and unleash every expert and resource to mitigate the problem…a massive undertaking to say the least.

One last thought…with the recent explosion of social distancing…European travel restrictions, cruises canceled, NBA suspending season, etc.,…doesn’t that eliminate crowds and make going out a lot safer?

That’s me…ever the contrarian.


Did you see Cryin’ Chuck Schumer speaking…no, yelling…at a pro-abortion rally on the steps of the Supreme Court, literally threatening Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh that if they made the “wrong decision” on an abortion-related case currently before the Court, they would regret it?

Outrageous.  He offered some BS apology.  Like a dull knife, doesn’t cut it.

The media, as usual, largely ignored the whole thing.  If a Republican did it, the shrieks of condemnation would have been so deafening, it would have spawned a hearing-aid shortage.


Well, Senile Joe is at it again.  At a campaign event this week, he screamed and cursed at yet another voter who had the gall to ask him a question he didn’t like…this time about his position on guns.

Want to watch him really freak?  Query him about his corrupt son Hunter.

Between his non-stop gaffes, screaming mental acuity issues, and verbally attacking voters when they ask even mildly tough questions, Joe is an absolute hot mess.

And his people know it.  When it comes to Biden on the campaign trail, less is more. 


Old hound dog Slick Willy Clinton said recently in some documentary that the reason he diddled Monica was to relieve his anxiety.

A reason, he explained…not an excuse.

Ya know, as a guy myself, I can’t argue with that physiologically legitimate reason.  So, you have the toughest, most stressful job on the planet…AND you have to wake up next to Hillary every morning?

Jesus.  Anxiety city.

That’s a double whammy no man should have to endure, and is deserving of our full and complete understanding, IMHO.

At the very least, I appreciate his honesty.


Poor Melania can’t catch a break.  Have you ever seen a First Lady so continually attacked…not to mention the rest of the Trump family?

The Left should love her…an immigrant woman who speaks at least five languages, ex-model, the most beautiful First Lady ever (Sorry Jackie O, you’re a distant second…although I hear Millard Fillmore’s old lady was quite the looker)…but if you are ANYONE who was ever ANYWHERE in Trump’s sphere, you’re Hitler X 10.


A woman with that resume attacked by the entire Left.  So much for your phony-ass diversity movement.

So Melania posts some picture of herself directing the construction of a new tennis pavilion at the White House…no taxpayer money involved.

Man, she got mocked and lambasted mercilessly.


Message to Trump Haters:  Your non-stop hysteria since November 8th, 2016 has made you all laughing stocks and you literally can’t diminish yourselves any further.

Yet breathtakingly, you keep trying.

If this was Michelle Obama, the Left and the media would laud her overwhelming courage, displaying calm in the face of crisis.

Someone go fetch me my barf bag.

And if anyone can give me one downside to Melania and Ivanka running around the future WH tennis court in cute little outfits, I’m all ears.

OK, done ranting.  Like a colicky 3-month old, I’ve cried myself to sleep…figuratively speaking, for the most part.

Well, see ya next week…unless Corona takes me down.  And no…I’m not referring to that horrid beer, which they drown in lime just so people can fight it down.

As far as afflictions, probably just the usual thigh-chafing, which rarely inhibits my writing.

1 thought on “Ranting, Raving, and Riffing

  1. Tom B.

    Rapid Fire Responses:
    – Even Fox has non-stop coronavirus rhetoric, not just the liberal media. It’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy and we will all suffer as a result.
    – The country prospered (until now) under Trump and the country will prosper or survive under Biden going forward. Biden is a poor alternative, but it shows you how desperate the Trump opposition will go to defeat him. In either case, I’m counting on 2024 to bring forward the candidates that will demonstrate good policy and good character. 3+ Years of Trump has proven that the US is greater than its President. There have been other tragic presidencies in the past and we are still here. If we have to, we will survive 4 more years.
    – If it counts, I agree that Melania is the most beautiful First Lady of our generation and she is about as eloquent as Jackie O. Both should have stayed way behind the scene and just waved.
    – Mike is 100% right – The best answer to getting through the 2020 coronavirus panic and the 2020 presidential election is your finest beverage. Mine is not scotch, but I’m willing to learn and adapt.


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