Bye Bye Bernie

Rahm Emmanuel…ex-Congressman, ex-Obama Chief-of-Staff, ex-Chicago Mayor…famously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Now, I will concede that quote has a myriad of interpretations, not all of which are nefarious in nature.

However, in the Age of Trump, it has only a single interpretation…


And we’re seeing it full-on with this Coronavirus…as we have with every other “crisis,” real or perceived.

With all the fake news and purposely ginned-up, hair-on-fire hysteria by the media and Left surrounding the Coronavirus, a critical piece of news and context gets completely buried.

At the end of January when this Coronavirus crap was in its infancy, Trump halted all travel from China to the U.S., as well as ordering the quarantine of Americans traveling in the region upon their return.

And these Libtards went completely loco.  Yeah…even more than usual.

The move was almost universally panned in the media as being premature, unnecessary and even racist.  My God.

Note to Libs:  The whole “everything is racist” shtick jumped the shark long, long ago.  Everyone mocks and ridicules this.  And you.

Just trying to help.

Anyway…Top health officials are saying the early timing of this bold, unprecedented move curtailed the rapid…albeit inevitable…spread of the virus in the U.S., allowing health officials and the Administration ample time to react.

And react they did…all over it like stink on a pig.

(Insert Joy Behar joke here ____________).

A proactively bold decision by a self-described stable genius.

OK, hard pivot to the Dems and Super Tuesday…

So…roughly a day or so before Super Tuesday, the Democrat Party Elders apparently make Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar a Godfather-like offer they couldn’t refuse, and each exited the race in a flash, endorsing Biden.

I wonder if they shoved balled-up gauze in their cheeks to actually sound like Marlon Brando?

A bloody horse’s head in the bed, maybe?

Not that they had any realistic shot at this point, mind you, but the timing was an obvious attempt by the party to start clearing the decks for Biden to go Mano-a-Mano with Bernie, and rack up as many delegates as possible.

Hey, props to Biden for doing so well on Super Tuesday, but everyone acting so shocked by this “miracle” is complete BS.

The ‘69 Mets.  The ‘80 Olympic U.S. Hockey team.  Those were miracles.

This was the perfect storm for Sleepy Joe.  So let’s take off the rose-colored glasses, ok?

He poached Klobuchar and Boot-Edge-Edge votes after the DNC forced them out.


And if Pocahontas dropped out with the other two, Bernie wins at least three more states.

After the abysmal Super Tuesday performance by Mini-Mike and Pocahontas…the former folded the next day…the latter needs to skedaddle as well.

At this point, she’s like that person still milling around your house at 1am, after your blow-out Super Bowl party.


But…as Warren pilfers votes from Bernie, me thinks the DNC is probably just hunky dory with Pocahontas sticking around.

So here’s the obvious outcome…

With proportional…not winner-take-all…primaries, there’s virtually no way Crazy Bernie OR Sleepy Joe gather nearly enough delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot.

Then the Superdelegate orgy begins.  2016 redux.

It’s like when the Yankees would bring in Mariano Rivera in the 9th.  GAME OVER.  Sorry Bernie.  You never could come close to hitting that cutter.

In the end, it’ll be Crazy Uncle Joe by some longer appendage than a nose.

Bernie supporters, having already lived this nightmare in 2016, will be more pissed than Michael Moore if you took him to a restaurant called “House of Salad.”

And clearly, not an insignificant chunk of The Bernie Brigade either stays home, votes 3rd party, or votes Trump.

Any way you cut it, Trump ends up smelling like a rose…Democrats, the fertilizer.

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