Teflon Don

I never knew that Newton’s third law of motion…“for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”…applied to politics too.

In the Age of Trump…ANYTHING’S possible.

It seemed that every blazing success the President enjoyed last week, those poor bastards on the Left experienced equal and opposite…and, yes…well-deserved, misery.

Truly an interesting mash-up of physics and politics Newton surely never dreamed of.

Trump’s acquittal in the Senate Impeachment Trial Hoax…while more predictable than Michael Moore’s Type 2 Diabetes…certainly led the success orgy.

The day before, of course, was another stellar State of the Union address that reveled in three years of “Promises Made, Promises Kept” accomplishments that even Helen Keller could clearly see Made America Effing Great Again. 

MAEGA, for short.

Or MAFGA?  Hmmm…

That wise, lovable, calorically challenged Delta pledge Flounder said it best in Animal House”Oh boy, is THIS great!”

The REAL entertainment, though, was watching Nauseating Nancy sitting directly behind The Donald as the Speaker always does, along with the VP, in these things.

Some smart-aleck wisenheimer MUST have attached a corn cob-like apparatus standing erect smack in the middle of Nancy’s seat, because only such an uncomfortable insertion…sans lubricant…could elicit THOSE facial expressions.

Did I REALLY just say that?  

Then, in one of the least spontaneous moves in the last century, she f*cking tears up her copy of Trump’s speech?  Like that did ANYTHING other than massively embarrass and marginalize her, and disgrace her position as Speaker of the House?

Oh, FU Nancy.  Just FU.  FUN for short.  I like acronyms, OK?

And I had plenty of FUN that night, much of it at YOUR expense, you pathetic, tooth-sucking dumb-ass broad.

And speaking of pathetic dumb-asses, I give you Mitt Romney, who stood alone on Loser Island in voting against Trump in the Senate Impeachment Trial on one of the two articles.

And then he gives an Oscar-worthy performance in front of the cameras about leaning on his faith to guide him, or some shit.

Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer must have schooled him on how to yank a big gnarly hair out of his schnoz to create some faux tears.

OK…Let’s all descend from the ozone and float gingerly back into the world of reality, shall we?

Mitt Romney is the biggest goddamn phony on the planet.  Like most politicians, he’s an empty shell of a human being who has zero conviction on anything, and develops his policy positions by licking his disgusting little crooked pinky and hoisting it in the air to see which way the political winds happen to be blowing.

A trip down memory lane…back during the 2016 campaign, Romney went way, way out of his way to very visibly trash Trump in multiple speeches and op-eds, calling him a phony, a fraud, and a con man.

Romney…a guy with less charisma than roadkill…got his sorry ass handed to him by Barry Hussein Obama in 2012 because he ran a shit campaign…reminiscent of John McCain in 2008, another Obama victim who never stood a chance.

So Con Man Trump shocks the world and gets elected, and what does Romney do?

He goes groveling to Trump to kiss his ring…his ass…use your imagination from there…and beg for the Secretary of State job.

And TRUMP’S a fraud and a phony?  GIVE.  ME.  A.  F*CKING.  BREAK.

Bottom line…Romney is not up for re-election in the Senate until 2024, when he’ll be 77.  Anyone that thinks he’s running for re-election to the Senate at age 77 is bat shit crazier than the ginormous ball of crazy you’d get if you rolled Pelosi and Maxine Waters together.

For if he was, he never casts that vote.  NEVER.

This single vote was nothing more than a perceived “last laugh” screwing of Trump…a guy he despises…a guy who became President when he couldn’t even sniff it…and a guy who didn’t hand him that coveted Cabinet gig he pathetically begged for.

Romney dug his political grave and dove in head first.  Good riddance, douchebag.

Meanwhile…another stellar jobs report last week, another top terrorist wasted, all-time high approval in Gallup at 49%, and the Democrats embarrassingly crapped all over themselves trying to count votes in the Iowa caucus.

People standing in corners of rooms.  Just effing count them.  That’s so hard?

Maybe an abacus would have helped.  Or someone in charge with an IQ over 65.

Hey, don’t get torqued at me.  I’m just trying to lend a hand.

Anyone want THESE incompetent Socialist losers running the country???


And The Piece de Resistance?

Trump has a big-ass, gaudy celebratory soirée in the White House with a few hundred of his closest friends…Congressional Republicans, his legal team, family…to bask in his victory, and enthusiastically cram it up the collective derrières of those that have been corruptly trying to destroy him…and his family…for four years.

If Trump was a peacock, those feathers would be spread eagle from Manhattan to Malibu.

Brett Kavanaugh.  Russian collusion.  Impeachment.


U CAN’T TOUCH THIS guy…predicted MC Hammer way back in 1990.

People used to call ex-Mob boss John Gotti “Teflon Don.”

Me thinks THAT torch has been officially passed.

3 thoughts on “Teflon Don

  1. tacopepper

    President Trump promised to fix healthcare and reduce the deficit when he took office. Can you update us on those “Promises Kept”? Somehow he failed to mention those in his amazing speech.

    1. Robert Donenfeld

      Michael Zais: I read your comment in the Sentinel. You are a jackass! You completely turned what happened at UCF to your point of view. They were not censoring Ben Shapiro. They were objecting to the fee that he was going to get from student fees, His fees were excessive. I am going to haunt every statement you make. You need to be tamed and taught some lessons of telling the truth. I will be your worst nightmare. I hope that you are so proud of Donald Trump. When he will brag about grabbing your wife’s private parts, please tell us all about it. Will you? How about the time Rudy “fascist” Guilliani got caught sneaking his girlfriend in the back door of Gracie Mansion. I hope you’re proud. I will call you out on everything and debate you anywhere and/or anytime to show what assholes people like you are!

      1. The Drunken Republican Post author

        Fees my ass. A fucking canard, and you know it. Any excuse to censor Shapiro. The whole point was that literally EVERY single Shapiro campus appearance all over the country for years is met with protests, petitions and violence. Or some other BS excuse like FEES. Or don’t they fucking report that on your beloved MSDNC?

        And if it was some Leftist speaker invited by the campus Democrats, it would be a blank check. Please.

        I didn’t know about Rudy’s booty call at Gracie Mansion, but it sure seems to pale in comparison to Bill Clinton banging young, vulnerable interns in the West Wing. I’m quite certain you’re equally outraged about that.

        Classic, never ending liberal hypocrisy.

        Having said all that…thank you for your comment. And might I suggest anger management. You’re gonna need it at least until inauguration day in Jan 2025.


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