Daily Archives: February 11, 2020

Teflon Don

I never knew that Newton’s third law of motion…“for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”…applied to politics too.

In the Age of Trump…ANYTHING’S possible.

It seemed that every blazing success the President enjoyed last week, those poor bastards on the Left experienced equal and opposite…and, yes…well-deserved, misery.

Truly an interesting mash-up of physics and politics Newton surely never dreamed of.

Trump’s acquittal in the Senate Impeachment Trial Hoax…while more predictable than Michael Moore’s Type 2 Diabetes…certainly led the success orgy.

The day before, of course, was another stellar State of the Union address that reveled in three years of “Promises Made, Promises Kept” accomplishments that even Helen Keller could clearly see Made America Effing Great Again.  Continue reading