Pelosi Puff Piece

So, getting the hell out of Dodge for a few days for some R&R…hence, the slightly earlier than usual blog update.

And since timing is everything, and mine always sucks…will be bloviating next week on the Iowa caucus debacle, tonight’s State of the Union Address, and Trump’s inevitable acquittal in the impeachment con job.

But first, a quick Super Bowl shout out to that lovable, huggable teddy bear, KC Chiefs coach Andy Reid.  I mean, if they made little snuggly Andy Reid stuffed animals, I just might sleep with it.

Huh?  TMI?  Got it.

Anyway…was there anyone on the planet NOT rooting for this guy to finally win his first SB after a couple decades of coaching…the Communists in San Francisco notwithstanding?

And denying SF Congresswoman Nervous Nancy Pelosi a Super Bowl win was the wonderfully tasty icing on top. 

All together now…FU Nancy!!!

One last thing.  That halftime show?  J. Lo and Shakira.  Mama Mia!  To quote the great George Costanza…”I think it moved.”

I haven’t seen that much bouncing and jiggling since I imagined Michael Moore rolling down a flight of stairs.

And with that…on to some business…

So, I read an in-person interview last week with Nancy Pelosi in the South Florida newspaper, the Sun-Sentinel…surely a pit stop on her way to the SB in Miami.

Typical puff piece that was nothing more than a regurgitation of left wing talking points on impeachment to a friendly and fawning media outlet. 

What else is new, right?

So, after imagining if J. Lo and Shakira were slices of bread, I was a big juicy piece of honey baked ham, and the three of us made a human sandwich…I imagined if there were any REAL journalists over at the Sun-Sentinel, what might have they asked Speaker Pelosi…

  • Despite the cries from the entire Democratic Party that the Senate impeachment trial has been unfair, why did Democrats not allow President Trump to call any witnesses when Democrats called 18 in the House impeachment proceedings?  Why was President Trump not allowed to have his counsel present to cross-examine witnesses?  How is any of that fair?
  • Testimony from 17 of the 18 witnesses the House interviewed during the secretive depositions was made available to the President’s legal team, but that of the 18th witness, the intelligence community’s Inspector General Michael Atkinson, was concealed.  Why?  Did it contain exculpatory evidence for the President?
  • On January 6th, 2019, on the “CBS Sunday Morning” Show, you said, “If and when the time comes for impeachment…it will have to be something that has such a crescendo in a bipartisan way.”  Yet, despite impeachment passing in the House, there was in fact bipartisan opposition.  What changed?
  • Democrats kept saying that President Trump was such a dangerous threat to the Republic and the next election, that impeachment had to be fast-tracked to be done before Christmas.  Yet, you held onto the impeachment articles for 33 days before delivering them to the Senate.  Can you please explain that dichotomy?
  • Given that the Constitution is clear that the House is the investigatory body that has the sole power of impeachment, and the Senate has the sole power to conduct an impeachment trial, why is it incumbent upon the Senate to call specific, additional witnesses that Democrats freely and purposefully chose not to call in the House?
  • Why do the Democrats continue declaring that the prima facia corruption with regard to the Bidens and Ukraine as being debunked, when this is patently false?  While there have been a myriad of media reports on this subject dating back to 2014, it was never actually “investigated” by anyone.
  • If Joe Biden was involved in any type of corruption, should we not know that before he’s potentially elected President?
  • Are Joe and Hunter Biden above the law?  If the fact pattern were the same, but the Biden names were replaced by Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr., would you be any more interested in an investigation?

I could go on ad nauseam, but I think I’ve made my point.

Eh…I’m just some dopey dime-a-dozen blogger.  What the hell do I know, anyway?

Well, it’s almost lunch time.  Think I’ll go make a sandwich. 

2 thoughts on “Pelosi Puff Piece

  1. tacopepper

    As usual, you only note flaws on one side of the aisle. At least you are consistent. Nothing to say about the White House hiding emails or banning witnesses from participating? Big surprise. Republican Senator Ron Portman said it best. Trumps handling of this situation was absolutely “wrong and inappropriate”. You know it, I know it. You and the other Con pundits of the world are just too close minded and stubborn to acknowledge it. Is it worthy of removal from office? Absolutely not. There are many more fully demonstrated levels of incompetence that justify that President Idiot is unfit to serve. As we discussed, as much you don’t like Pelosi, and I’m no great fan myself, I bet she and most adults with an IQ higher than the point total of the Super Bowl all know what state the Chiefs played in. Too bad President Sharpie doesn’t make that cut.

  2. Stephanie Engels

    I’ll take communism over our current want-to-be dick-tator any day.

    So you’re the “ham” in the Shakira/JLo sandwich? That’s means you are a…???? Um…chicken? Asking for a friend.

    Ad nauseum? Done. The majority of your questions are Fox & Friends talking points. Bottom line; if I were accused of something illegal, best bet, regardless of venue, I would be rolling out the red carpet for anyone who could confirm my innocence, not blocking subpoenas, withholding documents, and running a slanderous PR campaign against those who have accused me vs all out transparent access to everything that would exonerate me. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…you get it.

    What kind of sandwich are you going to make? BLT, I’m guessing.


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