Well, nervous Nancy inevitably caved, and finally crowbarred those contrived Impeachment Articles out of her Louis Vuitton support hose and delivered them to the Senate.
Or maybe they were cozily stashed in her very substantial cleavage…presumably right next to her “mad money.”
Who knows.
At this point…who really cares?
The fact that I even noticed her cleavage is personally disappointing…if not dreadfully concerning.
Anyway…the Holidays have come and gone, and people have moved on. Normal people outside of NY, LA, and the DC swamp, that is.
Besides, once an entire political party psychotically promises to impeach a President before he is even elected…their credibility has gone “poof”…and everything they say after that point regarding said impeachment sounds like the adults in those old Peanuts cartoons.
Wah, wah, wah…wah, wah…wah, wah…..said every one of Charlie Brown’s teachers.
I guess this is the Dopey Dems lame and embarrassing version of “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”
Camera cuts to Trump doubled-over, laughing hysterically.
OK, having dispensed of the obligatory, weekly impeachment update, how about a little bit of rare introspection?
As if anyone cares. But here goes…
I’m not one of those closet Trump supporters. I’m not a closet ANYTHING, just to be clear.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I love the guy. I’m sorry. F*ck that, I’m NOT sorry.
His brashness. His irreverence. His policies.
And it goes back a couple decades, when he had these crazy entertaining interviews on Howard Stern…another guy who knows a thing or two about irreverence.
In a prior life, I must have been a King because I insist on being constantly entertained.
So Trump is not only my President…but my Court Jester as well.
Peace. Prosperity. AND endless entertainment?
Sign me up.
Eyes wide open, though.
C’mon, I know The Donald probably should refrain from tweeting that Rosie O’Donnell is a big, fat pig…or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Apprentice ratings sucked.
Both true, by the way. But why go there and give his pissy little leg-wetting enemies ammunition?
Eh…Jimmy Crack Corn, I guess. We ALL have our demons.
A small price to pay for the endless winning.
But only after he’s been President have I realized what I marvel at the most.
I may have touched on this in the past, but it really hit me like a ton of Michael Moore with the long overdue wasting of that animal Soleimani.
Donald Trump has this uncanny…and quite purposeful…ability to put his opposition on the WRONG SIDE OF EVERY F*CKING ISSUE.
It’s like if Trump Derangement Syndrome were a mere tiny, harmless flame from a Bic lighter…Trump pours an ocean of gasoline on it, all the while dementedly laughing like Joaquin Phoenix in The Joker.
I mean, have you EVER seen ANYONE lose their shit like a TDS victim? The way Trump masterfully manipulates these wackos is as mischievous as it is overwhelmingly scrumptious.
If Trump is FOR it…they’re AGAINST it. And vice versa. 100% of the time.
So Trump offs Soleimani. Let’s start there.
Obama droned terrorists relentlessly for 8 years. Big thumbs up from yours truly.
No congressional approval…no cries to divulge top secret intelligence claiming impending attacks…no ridiculous whining about “legal justification.”
Just the entire country doing the dead terrorist happy dance.
But Trump takes out the worst terrorist on the planet, and the Left and media wet their legs. And now, the House seeks to neuter Trump’s ability to take similar actions TO PROTECT AMERICANS in the future?
“The “Resistance,” they like to call it.
The only thing these looney libtards are resisting is their own mental health.
And they’re succeeding fabulously.
Speaking of loony libtards…Mr. MSNBC, Chris “Thrill Up His Leg” Matthews, likened the killing of Soleimani to the tragic deaths of Lady Di and Elvis.
Shouldn’t this A-Hole be on a ledge, or something? Anyone have a banana peel?
And when Iran admitted to shooting down that commercial airliner, and thousands of Iranians hit the streets to protest, yelling…NOT death to America…but death to THEIR Hitler-wannabe leader…crickets from the media and Democrats.
Of course, Trump throws his full-throated support behind the oppressed Iranian people literally risking their lives to protest in the streets.
In a tweet in Farsi, no less.
Could Trump himself be the catalyst for the eventual overthrow of the murderous Iranian regime? His “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” moment?
Possible…but doubtful. If it DID happen, though, I’m gonna invest every goddamn cent I have in some rope company, because about 50 million people in this country are gonna hang themselves.
That’s what I’d call a good old-fashioned win/win.
So…to recap…the Left and the Media are demonstrably sympathetic to Iran AND fawn over terrorists.
Open borders. Sky high taxes. Economy killing regulations. Single payer healthcare. Sanctuary cities. War on energy independence.
A list longer than Hillary’s excuses for losing.
Yep. Wrong side of EVERY issue.
Yet somehow…in the batshit crazy Liberal Utopia in which they galavant amongst the rainbows and unicorns…they incredibly think they’re “sticking it to Trump.”
Like I’ve said before…they’d root for cancer if Trump was about to cure it.
My God.
Even Ripley’s can’t believe it.
If you’ve ever seen those very early photos of Nancy (before she became a Pelosi) in her “Miss Oil Can” get-up, you’ll note that cleavage was fairly non-existent…she’s had work done on more than her face, LOL.
Hahaha…I just found that old photo. I think you’re right, Laura. But she still has smaller breasts than Jerry Nadler.
I’m strangely in the mood for milk all of a sudden.