Dead Terrorist II…The Sequel

A good guy with a gun takes down a bad guy with a gun.  And saves dozens of lives.

At least.

Or as Trump always likes to describe such a situation…”bullets going in the opposite direction.”

“How sweet it is!”…to quote the great Jackie Gleason.  Ya know…Ralph Kramden?  THE HONEYMOONERS!!!

OK, going back to the 50’s.  Eh…forget it.

Anyway…surely you heard the recent story of yet another church shooting…near Ft. Worth, Texas this time…some mental defective freakazoid starts shooting, and in like three nanoseconds, a dude in the congregation who is carrying and also happens to be a firearms instructor…uh, shall we say…ELIMINATES THE THREAT.

A high-brow way of saying he blew the guy’s effing brains out.

It warms the cockles of my heart.

What are cockles, anyway?  I have no idea…I just like saying cockles.

Tragically, two poor souls still lost their lives.  Thing is, if that church was in any number of states other than Texas, dozens more would have likely been murdered.

Which explains the minimal national coverage this story received.

Ya know…thou shalt not shit on the liberal media narrative, which THIS story did in spades, as it relates to their complete and utter disdain for the 2nd Amendment.

AND the shooter was black to boot.  Uh oh.  Double trouble.


I’m sort of digging this, so let’s stay with the theme of wasting bad guys…

So…as a sequel to the al-Baghdadi offing late last year, President Trump makes the call to turn yet another one of the top terrorists on the planet into a worthless pile of bloody DNA.

This time, the lucky winner was Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.

This is what happens when you have a President whose red lines are NOT empty threats.

Iran has been trying to goad Trump into some sort of action for a while, but he wasn’t taking the bait…the last 40 years of hostile actions by Iran notwithstanding.

Shoot down our $200M drone?  Attack Saudi oil tankers?

Just ratchet up the economic sanctions.

It’s called RESTRAINT.

But Trump warned them…DO NOT HURT ANY AMERICANS.


This, from a guy who has a penchant for keeping promises.

Me thinks nobody told Iran that Barry was no longer in the White House partying with Jay-Z and Beyoncé, and doling out billions on pallets for murderous regimes to fund terror.

Iran’s rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that killed an American contractor was the proverbial last straw.

This Soleimani piece of shit was one of the most ruthless terrorists on the planet, DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousands of U.S. troops over the years.

And Trump leveled a drone attack on him that blew him to smithereens.

And by the way…our intelligence folks uncovered a series of attacks against Americans and our allies that were imminent…all planned and directed by Soleimani.

A classic “no brainer.”

Yet the entire Left, Media, and Democrat party bitched like a bunch of whiny Girl Scouts that just got their cookie money stolen.

My God…everything from wetting their legs over how Iran might retaliate, to Trump not notifying Congress.

First and foremost…WE don’t worry about retaliation, capiche?  THEY worry about retaliation.

Ex-Defense Sec Mad Dog Mattis said it best, when asked what keeps him up at night…”Nothing. I keep other people awake at night.”

That’s as Bad Ass as it comes.

And speaking of bad ass Generals…former CIA director and US General David Petraeus called the killing of Soleimani, “…more significant than the killing of Osama bin Laden or even the death of [ISIS leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi,” as well as a “…very significant effort to reestablish deterrence.”

As for notifying Congress…timing was clearly of the essence, and the President had full power to order this strike without asking “Mother May I” to a bunch of people that A) Hate him, and B) Would have immediately leaked to the press to purposely undermine the whole thing.

And if Trump did nothing with this intelligence in hand, and Americans died, these same scumbag Leftists would have ripped Trump a new one over it.

We ALL know it.

BTW…Obama unilaterally leveled approx. 2,800 drone attacks wasting terrorists in Iraq and Syria…fully supported by yours truly…with nary a peep from ANY of these wimpy Leftist hypocrites in Congress.

So yeah…f*ck these people.  To be painfully blunt.

For their part, the Trump-hating, terrorist loving, zero credibility media nerds had this reaction…

The WaPost fawningly called Soleimani…Iran’s most revered military leader.”

The New Yorker Magazine seemed completely aroused in their description of Soleimani…”a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair ,dapper beard, and arching salt and pepper eyebrows.”

What is this guy, a friggin’ contestant on “The Bachelor…Terrorist Edition?”

Or maybe that was his Terrorist profile.  My God.

A lame, delusional, and embarrassing attempt to humanize a sub-human monster.

The romanticizing and hero worship of terrorists by the media makes me want to hurl.

It’s simply to oppose ANYTHING Trump does.  A N Y T H I N G.

If Trump was on the cusp of curing cancer…the media would root for cancer.

Make no mistake folks…these are sick demented bastards.

I used to think Trump calling the media the “enemy of the people” was a tad hyperbolic and over-the-top.

I’ve finally seen the light.

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