Daily Archives: January 6, 2020

Dead Terrorist II…The Sequel

A good guy with a gun takes down a bad guy with a gun.  And saves dozens of lives.

At least.

Or as Trump always likes to describe such a situation…”bullets going in the opposite direction.”

“How sweet it is!”…to quote the great Jackie Gleason.  Ya know…Ralph Kramden?  THE HONEYMOONERS!!!

OK, going back to the 50’s.  Eh…forget it.

Anyway…surely you heard the recent story of yet another church shooting…near Ft. Worth, Texas this time…some mental defective freakazoid starts shooting, and in like three nanoseconds, a dude in the congregation who is carrying and also happens to be a firearms instructor…uh, shall we say…ELIMINATES THE THREAT.

A high-brow way of saying he blew the guy’s effing brains out.

It warms the cockles of my heart.

What are cockles, anyway?  I have no idea…I just like saying cockles.
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