Merry Impeachment!

I’ve learned a lot of things from writing this blog for over 3 years.

And one of those things is that Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks really suck if you’re looking for clicks.

I mean, people are just too damn busy to give a shit about reading some snarky political blog…or simply consumed with getting on the other side of some crushing holiday hangover.

I feel ya, there.

And besides…who wants to be subjected to endless Michael Moore fat jokes at the very moment we’re all packing on those dreaded Holiday pounds.

Anyway, just a quick impeachment update so as not to deprive any political junkies out there in dire need of their weekly Drunken Republican fix.

I am a “Man of the People,” after all…

I’ve always had this theory that Nancy Pelosi…demonstrably NOT Mensa material…was a political idiot savant of sorts, like if they made a Rain Man II where Raymond was Speaker of the House.

Sadly, Nancy may have to settle for simply “political idiot.”

As Meat Loaf crooned…two out of three ain’t bad.

Her decision to…at least for the time being…NOT deliver the disgustingly partisan and flimsier than those f*cking paper straws Articles of Impeachment to the Senate…is mind boggling, to say the least.

She oddly seems to be attempting to wield some sort of leverage over Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell vis-a-vis how he decides to conduct the impeachment trial in the Senate.

Hopefully Santa brings her a pocket mini-Constitution for Christmas that she can tote around in her Louis Vuitton fanny pack, because Nincompoop Nancy needs to learn that she has NO role in ANYTHING the Senate does…impeachment related or otherwise.

Zero.  Zilch.  Zippo.

It’s like if I was trying to wield leverage over my wife on something, and I threatened to withhold sex.

She’d laugh in my face.  And laugh.  And laugh.  And laugh some more.

The same way Mitch McConnell is laughing at Nancy Pelosi right now.

OK, not EXACTLY the same.  They’re not having sex.  As far as we know.  You get it.

But I digress.

Anyway, McConnell said it best the other day on the floor of the Senate…

“Some House Democrats imply they are withholding the [impeachment] articles for some kind of leverage.  I admit, I’m not sure what leverage there is in refraining from sending us something we do not want.”

Trust me, Mitch.  You’re not alone in your bewilderment.

So Nancy can keep her impeachment bag of coal.

And if it wasn’t the Holiday season, I’d gladly advise her as to where she can enthusiastically insert those Articles of Impeachment.

And with THAT disturbing visual…

Merry Christmas!  Happy Hanukkah!  Happy Holidays!

And Happy New Year!


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