Fake. The NEW F Word.

At least once a day, I’m in a situation, or someone says something, and I blurt out…”Hey, that was like in that Seinfeld episode…”

Like when I see a woman sporting rather large, masculine hands.


So, given the embarrassingly unhinged behavior of the Democrats since November 9, 2016…that glorious day AFTER Trump beat the pantsuit off Miss Droopy Drawers…here’s an exchange between Jerry and Elaine that’s been pulsing through my head in a loop like “It’s a Small World” after my last trip to the Mouse House.

Jerry:  You faked it?
Elaine:  I faked it.
Jerry:  That whole thing, the whole production, it was all an act?
Elaine:  Not bad, huh?
Jerry:  What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming.
Elaine:  Fake, fake, fake, fake.

OK, sexual dalliances aside…this IS a political blog, after all…what HAVEN’T the Democrats faked in their quest to crowbar Trump out of the Oval?

The Dossier…Russian Collusion…Obstruction…and now…Whistleblower.

What do ya think about THOSE, Elaine?

“Fake, fake, fake, fake.”

Yeah…that LAST “fake” should be tattooed on the forehead of the so-called whistleblower…a career CIA analyst…whose name, Eric Ciaramella, is all over the Internet, but the mainstream media won’t report it.




Whistleblower laws protect the person from retaliation…getting fired, demoted…and does not in any way GUARANTEE anonymity.

Especially when your goal is to disenfranchise 63+ million voters.

By law…specifically the Inspector General Act of 1978…only the inspector general is prohibited from releasing the name of a complainant.

The only REAL concern for these duplicitous, hypocritical Libs?

Identifying this guy outs him for the massively biased, Trump-Hating Deep State operative that he is.

His partial resume…things the media is loath for YOU to discover…according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations…

  1. Hand-picked protégé of Obama’s CIA Director and one of the main architects of Spygate and the Russian Collusion scam, John Brennan.
  2. Worked closely with Obama’s National Security Advisor and Trump-hater Susan Rice, as well as Joe Biden.  Yeah…THAT Joe Biden.
  3. Worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa…apologies to Taco Bell…who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House multiple times for meetings.
  4. Major source of media leaks during the first six months of the Trump Administration, causing him to be purged from the White House.

I could go on, but fatigue is setting in.

At the get-go of all this phoniness, Dem Lead Clown…Pencil Neck Schiff (a Trump nickname fave) couldn’t wait to get this subversive to testify, while hiding his identity.


To expose Ciaramella to questioning would be to out him for the Deep State fraud that he is…AND reveal that he colluded with Schiff and his staff before the complaint was ever filed.

Schiff subsequently lied about those prior contacts, and even the Trump-Despising Coup-Mongers at the Washington Post gave him Four Big Fat Pinocchios.

And you KNOW it killed them.

So yeah…no way in Sam Hell this dude gets within 100 miles of a hearing room, where this corruption would get exposed like the neighborhood pervert donning nothing more than an old, tattered raincoat and a dirty pair of Keds.

In fact, he’s on a long witness list submitted by Republicans to Judge, Jury, & Executioner Schiff, and along with Hunter Biden, has been summarily denied.

The Schiff Credo…Thou Shalt Not Shit On The Narrative.  

The pretending by the Left and media that this entire process has one iota of legitimacy or fairness is a bigger joke than Pocahontas’ Ancestry DNA test.

And for the record..my cat Chloe has more Native American blood streaming through her little feline veins than this Socialist wackadoodle.

Oh…it gets better.

The so-called whistleblower’s sleazy, ambulance-chasing lawyer, Mark Zaid, spewed the following excrement in a tweet a mere 11 days after Trump took the oath of office…

“#coup has started.  First of many steps.  #rebellion.  #impeachment will follow ultimately.”

Shouldn’t this crackpot be out on a ledge, or something?

So…this three year long, multi-phased coup attempt was completely telegraphed by jerks like Zaid, and prominent Dems and media pukes since Day 1.

To call this jerk a subversive asshole is an insult to subversive assholes.

And if all THAT’S not enough to steam your giblets…

While Democrats are feigning all this outrage about a short delay in lethal aid being given to Ukraine to protect themselves against Russian aggression…which they now have…THEIR guy, the Grand Poobah of Pomposity himself, Barry Hussein Obama, gave them…

Wait for it…



So much for the Left’s narrative that TRUMP is Putin’s bitch, huh?


8 thoughts on “Fake. The NEW F Word.

  1. Bob Lieberman

    Regarding your big finish about blankets, I assume by “BLANKETS” you mean more than $600 million in security assistance to Ukraine including UAVs (drones), counter-mortar radars, medical supplies, 230 armored Humvees, training, patrol boats, body armor and night-vision goggles (See https://bit.ly/2NLxQJk , https://cnn.it/2Km7Dik and https://bit.ly/2CLJWMi).

    Most of your concerns about the whistelblower’s seem irrelevant since Trump and Mick Mulvaney have essentially corroborated the key facts of the whistelblower’s report.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      You’re fucking kidding, right. Night vision goggles? Medical supplies? How about some real shit like anti-tank missiles…Javelins. Really dude…WTF???

      How’s the fucking weather there in Liberal Utopia??? My God.

      1. Bob Lieberman

        Wow! What a giveaway your response is! I write, “$600 million in security assistance to Ukraine including UAVs (drones), counter-mortar radars, medical supplies, 230 armored Humvees, training, patrol boats, body armor and night-vision goggles,” and you reiterate ONLY “Night vision goggles? Medical supplies?” In denial much?

        So you started out with “F*CKING BLANKETS?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Then, when you learn that you were only kidding yourself, you focus on some of the presumably lower-cost items. The correct response would have been something like, “Oh, my bad. I should stop relying on Republican Rep. Devin Nunes for facts.”

        By implication, you dismiss the value of the aid you conveniently did not relist — UAVs (drones), counter-mortar radars, 230 armored Humvees, training, patrol boats, and body armor — with “How about some real shit like anti-tank missiles…Javelins.” But if you TRULY believe that this “real shit” is so important to Ukraine’s survival, then why aren’t you OUTRAGED that Trump withheld it as a bargaining chip to get Ukraine to investigate unsubstantiated claims involving a political rival and a widely debunked theory that a Democratic National Committee server is being held in Ukraine? You can’t have it both ways.

  2. Tom

    Whistleblower – Irrelevant
    Blankets and Weapons to Ukraine – Irrelevant
    Biden’s actions – Irrelevant
    Other People Testifying – Irrelevant
    Elaine faking it – Irrelevant

    Trump’s Action and Confession – Relevant
    Voting your conscience in November 2020 – Relevant

    It’s only an intellectual exercise, but everyone should decide for themselves if Trump’s action was worthy of impeachment. I think Trump’s admitted action was very wrong and quite possibly illegal, but not impeachable. My opinion – Irrelevant

    It’s pretty clear that the House will Impeach and the Senate will not Convict (Relevant). So, it comes down to voting your conscience in November 2020 (Relevant)

    If you ignore all the Irrelevant information, there are really only 4 choices:
    1. Trump did something wrong and he should be removed from office
    2. Trump did something wrong and he should not be removed from office
    3. Trump did nothing wrong
    4. Trump was “Perfect”

    And Elaine faking it doesn’t mean Jerry didn’t do it (Relevant).

  3. tacopepper

    If we are talking about fakes, can we also discuss fake crowd size claims, fake weather forecasts, and fake interest in any American who doesn’t slobber their love for Dumb Donald? How about a fake economy built on tax cuts for corporations and America’s wealthiest, and a fake deficit reduction promise that is laughable as Dumb Donald spends out of control to buy your vote? Maybe we could discuss the recent fake election results in Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana?

    There is no bigger fake or phony in American politics than the idiot you adore so much in the White House.

  4. Richard

    Hypocrisy, lies, shamelessness, refusal to learn the lessons of the past or acknowledge current realities, willingness to subvert the foundations of our nation, and total contempt and disregard for the majority of our citizens, are now the calling cards of the left.

    Disdain for policies that work, in favor of policies that have failed for decades, ruined our cities, undermined our culture, and encouraged global aggression are their pedigree. The embracing of socialism, a proven failed experiment, over the vibrancy of our capitalist economy is their future promise.

    Their actions are more akin to fascists than the tolerant party they claim to be. Their compassion is only evident if they believe they can buy your vote with it.

    Anyone who has witnessed the Left’s hysteria over Trump and his success, watched as the Democratic party has rushed full tilt towards socialism, and has any grasp of history or reality, has to see this impeachment process as a last gasp attempt of a dying party to maintain a foothold on power.

  5. tacopepper

    I did, because this entire Presidency is a bad joke / awful sitcom and it’s nice to reflect back to the days of good television and mentally stable leaders.


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