Daily Archives: November 14, 2019

Fake. The NEW F Word.

At least once a day, I’m in a situation, or someone says something, and I blurt out…”Hey, that was like in that Seinfeld episode…”

Like when I see a woman sporting rather large, masculine hands.


So, given the embarrassingly unhinged behavior of the Democrats since November 9, 2016…that glorious day AFTER Trump beat the pantsuit off Miss Droopy Drawers…here’s an exchange between Jerry and Elaine that’s been pulsing through my head in a loop like “It’s a Small World” after my last trip to the Mouse House.

Jerry:  You faked it?
Elaine:  I faked it.
Jerry:  That whole thing, the whole production, it was all an act?
Elaine:  Not bad, huh?
Jerry:  What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming.
Elaine:  Fake, fake, fake, fake.

OK, sexual dalliances aside…this IS a political blog, after all…what HAVEN’T the Democrats faked in their quest to crowbar Trump out of the Oval? Continue reading