Political Potpourri

Oh man, so many interesting things to comment on recently…it’s like a whole long list of IPA’s at the random breweries that I frequent.  The adult version of the kid in the candy store.

Um…one of each, please.

And so it goes, too, in the world of politics.

Currently, we all seem helpless in ridding ourselves of the impeachment stink sprayed on us by the skunky Democrats…specifically, since January 20, 2017…when a Washington Post column published precisely 19 minutes after Trump’s inauguration was titled…”The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

There’s simply not enough Lithium in the Milky Way to beat these whack jobs into any semblance of sanity.

19 effing minutes.  This is why rational people don’t take ANY of this seriously.  Never did.

Funny thing is, everyone seems to be in on the joke…except the Democrats themselves, and their incestual paramours in the Fake News Media.


But alas, mocking and ridiculing the likes of Crazy Nancy, Shithead Schiff, and Human Weeble Nadler have become such a guilty pleasure…like sneaking in a quick episode of Jerry Springer when no one’s around…I won’t be capable of resisting.

Anyway…seems like a good place to start…

So…after weeks and weeks of Republicans rightly bitching about bug-eyed Adam Schiff’s Secret Dungeon of Impeachment, Nancy Pelosi FINALLY held a House vote on an impeachment inquiry.

Or formalizing rules.  Or something.  Nobody really knows.

And predictably, with zero GOP votes, the measure passed.

Wonderful…now, Republicans can actually participate…in a material way…in the proceedings.

Or not.

Seems Shifty Schiff STILL gets to yea or nay ANYTHING the Republicans want to do in terms of calling witnesses, issuing subpoenas, choosing pizza toppings for lunch, etc.

It’s like my wife says she’s OK with me cheating on her, but she has to approve any willing…or otherwise pharmaceutically encouraged…participant.

What friggin’ good is that?

Dragging the country through this useless impeachment BS with an election a year away…ONE EFFING YEAR…is nauseating.

My personal message to these Leftist idiots and their sickening impeachment wet dreams?

All right!  But hear me and hear me well!  The day will come, oh yes, mark my words Democrats!  Your day of reckoning is coming, when an evil wind will blow through your little playworld and wipe that smug smile off your face!  And I’ll be there in ALL my glory, watching, watching as it all comes crumbling down!

Ok, I stole that from Seinfeld as he was being excoriated by Newman.  So sue me.


Moody Blues

Moody’s Analytics has three election models that have correctly called presidential elections back to 1980…except for 2016 when Hurricane Trump blew in and torched not only Hillary’s fat ass, but every political norm ever known to man (and woman).  Person?  Screw it.

So yeah…models were tweaked appropriately.

If the economy holds up…and should, despite the Lib’s recession fantasy…Trump wins with an average of 324 electoral votes.

Both interesting and unsurprising.  A data point, if you will.

At the very least, more meaningful than some rigged poll from The Snowflake Gazette.

President E.F. Hutton

These days, when Obama speaks…people listen.  Except when at a recent Obama Foundation event, he has the unbridled gall to say stuff like this…

“This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff. You should get over that quickly. The world is messy, there are ambiguities…there is this sense that the way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people and that’s enough…that’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change…if all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far.”

Predictably, none of the major networks covered this anti-cancel culture blasphemy.  Probably too busy unwadding their skivvies.

Always knew there was SOMETHING I liked about that Obama dude.

Florida or Bust!

The Donald announces he’s leaving the high tax stench of New York to take up permanent residence in sunny Florida.

I mean, if YOU owned Mar-A-Lago, wouldn’t YOU??

While it makes total sense for Trump to leave a city run by a Communist, where he’s universally hated, and proudly embraces the phrase “confiscatory taxes”…he probably REALLY did it just to drive the Lefty crackpots even MORE batty.

C’mon…WHAT could be easier?  Or more fun?

I swear, we MUST be related.

My New Favorite Ballplayer

I’m a lifelong Mets fan…so watching our division rival Washington Nationals win the World Series made me crankier than Michael Moore at the sight of an empty fridge.

At least it wasn’t the Damn Yankees.

Anyway, during the obligatory White House visit…and with most Nats actually showing up…I mean these AREN’T the aggrieved millionaire kneelers of the NBA and NFL…Nats catcher Kurt Suzuki enthusiastically whipped out and donned a MAGA hat…to the GREAT pleasure of Donald and Melania, beaming proudly nearby.

An epic moment in and of itself…but even more delectable…one that drove the Twitter Fascists effing bonkers.

If I was a better person, I’d feel sorry for these pathetic, leg-wetting book burners.

But like Popeye…I am who I am, and that’s all that I am.

And their misery is my spinach.

4 thoughts on “Political Potpourri

  1. tacopepper

    Ah yes, the AWESOME economy you guys love so much. For those of you who get your news from Fox News, Breitbart or the Nashville network, thanks to Trump’s outstanding tax cuts we closed out FY19 with a deficit of $984B. That’s up from $779B in 2018, which is up from $665B in 2017, which is up from $585B in 2016. Imagine that, short-term economic stimulus when we nearly double our annual deficit in 3 years spending money we don’t have and cutting taxes for the wealthiest people in the country. Do ANY of you manage your own money that way? Probably not, or you wouldn’t be subscribers here in the first place. Hopefully it won’t bother you too much when your kids and grandchildren get stuck with the bill for Trump’s desperate re-election campaign/economic policy.

    And as for Kurt Suzuki, you forgot to mention (big surprise) Trump going for a full-fledged reach-around. Not shocking, since he has already bragged about putting his hands on anyone, anywhere, anytime he feels like it.

    Yep, definitely a President to be proud of.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      I’d kill for a Trump reach-around. Above the waist, that is. I’m full hetero. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  2. Stephanie

    19 minutes my ass! Some of us started campaigning for the pussy grabber’s eventual impeachment on November 9th. Always knew it would happen eventually. The man doesn’t “law” very well. Pssst…there is a deep state meeting this Saturday here in Colorado to raise a glass to progress, albeit slower than we had hoped. Don’t tell anyone.

    As for the plan and Pelosi, give the old constitution a little “look see”. I am sure it also does not say in there anywhere that, if the president commits a crime, you should NOT take steps to impeach if it’s before an election year. Some people just can’t look the other way from his criminal activities like Mitch and the Gang. Crazy law abiding people! How dare they?

    Trump is hated in New York for notoriously not paying hard working people and being a complete dbag. Nothing to do with politics, he’s been hated there for a long time. He should move to his little island in FL and enjoy Mara Lago while he can. I predict he’s going to be very busy post term defending himself from another round of criminal charges.

    Ah, the reach around. Glad you would be willing. There are some 25+ women who have come forward to say they weren’t. I can only imagine what the actual number must be.

  3. Tom

    I enjoy the reasoned (and unreasoned) discourse from the Drunken Republican and the comments. And we can all benefit from that great 1990’s philosopher, Rodney King: “Can we all just get along?”


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