Daily Archives: November 7, 2019

Political Potpourri

Oh man, so many interesting things to comment on recently…it’s like a whole long list of IPA’s at the random breweries that I frequent.  The adult version of the kid in the candy store.

Um…one of each, please.

And so it goes, too, in the world of politics.

Currently, we all seem helpless in ridding ourselves of the impeachment stink sprayed on us by the skunky Democrats…specifically, since January 20, 2017…when a Washington Post column published precisely 19 minutes after Trump’s inauguration was titled…”The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

There’s simply not enough Lithium in the Milky Way to beat these whack jobs into any semblance of sanity.

19 effing minutes.  This is why rational people don’t take ANY of this seriously.  Never did.

Funny thing is, everyone seems to be in on the joke…except the Democrats themselves, and their incestual paramours in the Fake News Media.

Ew. Continue reading