On May 2, 2011…a day after the clandestine…and successful…mission to kill that sub-human piece of filth Osama bin Laden, the NY Times had a headline that read…”Obama Finds Praise, Even From Republicans.”

I remember that time well…pretty universal praise for…of course, the killing of bin Laden…but also President Obama.

And rightly so.

Americans celebrated that day.  All Americans.

Doing the dead terrorist happy dance.

I mean, offing a top terrorist scumbag can be quite the unifying event.

Until now, apparently.

Thanks for the reciprocity, Libs.

The Left and Media (apologize for THAT redundancy) couldn’t even muster an unenthusiastic, half-assed thumbs up to President Trump for this massively non-partisan victory.

I mean, have you SEEN some of the media coverage on al-Baghdadi’s killing?

The piss-ant journalistic frauds over at the Washington Post had a headline that referred to this scumbag terrorist…almost fawningly…as an “austere religious scholar.”

Not murderer.  Not rapist.  Not decapitator.  Not “burner of people in cages.”

But “austere religious scholar.”

Speaks for itself, does it not?  Despicable.

Meanwhile, the media imposters have engaged in a multi-day marathon of trashing, belittling, and minimizing Trump, his role in this operation…he’s the f*cking Commander-In-Chief that ordered the raid, for God’s sake…and even the way he’s spoken in its aftermath.

A plethora of media whiners…including the Commie Pinko Liars at the NY Times…wailed that the operation succeeded not “because of” Trump, but “in spite of” Trump.

A sentiment echoed by Crazy Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, who was the only person in the room way back when that implored Obama NOT to go after bin Laden as it may hurt his re-election if things went south.


They all wet their legs over Trump’s blunt description of how their beloved “austere religious scholar” croaked.

Big pussies.

And speaking of pussies…I give you CNN counterterrorism analyst Philip Mudd…who’s body is clearly a testosterone-free zone…and who complained incredulously…”You do not celebrate death.  I don’t care if it’s a terrorist, I don’t care if it’s someone you hate.  A human being has died.  We don’t celebrate that.”

So, in this guy’s liberal fantasyland of rainbows and unicorns, al-Baghdadi is a human being.

Hmmm…I wonder if he’d hold that same stupid opinion if it was HIS wife or daughter that al-Baghdadi raped, then burned alive in a cage?

And dollars to donuts this loser celebrated his liberal ass off when Obama threw bin Laden’s bloody corpse in the ocean.

Liberal hypocrisy in all its pathetic glory.

As for yours truly…I totally dug every single gory detail The Donald graced upon us about how this whimpering coward cried like a little bitch before he did the world a massive favor by blowing himself up into a pile of worthless DNA.

As did the rest of the Patriots in flyover country, I reckon.

Anyway…did you catch Pelosi’s nonsensical statement?

After a couple of fleeting platitudes acknowledging the successful mission, she goes on to ridiculously minimize the President.

It’s like minimizing Bill Belichick after a Super Bowl win.


Yeah.  Sure.  What a dolt.

I’m a Jets fan, by the way.  That analogy wouldn’t work with the Jets.

For obvious reasons.

Pelosi’s statement, in part…”The death of al-Baghdadi is significant, but the death of this ISIS leader does not mean the death of ISIS.”

No shit, you bumbling, babbling boob.  Trump said it.  We all know it.  It’s as obvious as your complete and utter incompetence.

She blathers on…”The House must be briefed on this raid, which the RUSSIANS!!!…but not top Congressional Leadership…were notified of in advance…”


Man, did she get her droopy granny panties in a mountainous wad over that.

A brilliant move by Trump…and 100% justified.

Trump could take zero chance that ANYTHING leaked on this fast moving operation, and sabotage the whole thing.

Here’s the hard, nauseating reality…many Democrats would have loved nothing more than for this operation to go completely south…even if American lives were lost.

I know…shocking to even say that out loud.  It’s an unfathomable notion.

Hey, don’t get torqued at me for suggesting something so disgusting.

Just calling balls and strikes.

Besides…we here at The Drunken Republican pride ourselves on shining a light at the elephant in the room.  No shrinking violets here.

OK, admit it.  A fleeting image of Michael Moore flashed before your eyes when I said “elephant.”

The unhinged, visceral hatred for this President and psychotic, 24/7 quest to crowbar him out of the White House…through ANY means necessary…knows no bounds.

C’mon, they get a big raging woody over the mere thought of a failed military operation that they could endlessly beat Trump over his orange head with.

This is no different than the constant praying and cheering for a recession by the Left and media…any associated misery of the American people be damned.

In the end…Democrats were not told…and there were no leaks.

Coincidence?  I think not.

And by the way Speaker Dumbass, we HAD to notify Russia of the operation…along with other nations…where we needed to enter their airspace in the dead of night so, ya know…


My God, are there ANY limits to this tooth-sucking geriatric’s stupidity?  Or the nutbag Socialists that keep pulling the lever for this dimwit?

So, to end on a high note…enjoy the following bad ass quote from Defense Secretary Mark Esper from a Pentagon presser a couple days after al-Baghdadi was blown up into itty-bitty pieces…

“The United States…more than any other nation in the world…possesses the power and the will to hunt to the ends of the earth those who wish to bring harm upon the American people…we can strike anybody, anytime, anywhere.  The terrorists should be aware of that…”

Yeah.  What HE said.

4 thoughts on “AL-BAG-DEAD-Y

  1. tacopepper

    That’s pretty tough talk about a clown who used privilege and a phony medical report on bone spurs to avoid his military obligation to this country. He’s a fake tough guy who is actually a way bigger pussy than any media member you assail each week.

  2. Bob Lieberman

    I can’t tell Philip Mudd from Shinola, but . . .

    You hold him up as an example of “Liberal hypocrisy.” Why? Because he said that a person’s death shouldn’t be celebrated, yet YOU’D bet “dollars to donuts this loser celebrated his liberal ass off when Obama threw bin Laden’s bloody corpse in the ocean.”

    In other words, you’re calling him a hypocrite based on how you IMAGINE he reacted to bin Laden’s death. You can cry “hypocrisy” if you can point to demonstrably opposing opinions, but you can’t just IMAGINE the opinions.

    (By the way, at the time bin Laden was killed, Philip Mudd, whom you call a “loser,” was deputy of the CIA’s counter-terrorism center.)

    (Also, by the way: “Commie pinko?” Who are you, Archie Bunker?)

  3. Bob Lieberman

    Also, what did Trump himself have to say about the killing of Osama bin Laden?

    On Oct 22, 2012, Trump tweeted, “Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden,” and “Why don’t we ask the Navy SEALs who killed Bin Laden? They don’t seem to be happy with Obama claiming credit. All he did is say O.K.”

    Further, while Trump was responding to a reporter after Trump’s announcement of the killing of al-Baghdadi, Trump LIED about having issued a warning in his January 2000 book, “The America We Deserve,” that the U.S. needed to “take out” Osama bin Laden, declaring: “I don’t get any credit for [my warning] … But that’s okay. I never do. But here we are.” (See for details.)


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