Daily Archives: October 24, 2019

Trump’s Policy Pivot Promise

President Trump’s pullout of a handful of troops in Syria…only about 28 he says…caused quite the kerfuffle. 

I could have shared my thoughts on this last week…but admittedly, I’m no Middle East expert.  Far from it.

Now, if you’re looking for an expert on Seinfeld, the NY Mets, or a list of IPA’s SO hoppy they’ll curl your toes…then I’m your man.  But beyond that….

Plus, I’ve found it’s ALWAYS prudent to let such things marinate for a bit before haphazardly bloviating.

In other words, the “mature” approach…SO unlike me.  

My wife is nodding her head in enthusiastic agreement.

Anyway…Like I do everything else in life…I’ll do this backwards, and give my bottom line take on this first. Continue reading