Beep Beep…Beep Beep

Or is it Meep Meep?  Hmmm…the debate rages on.

Anyway…remember those old Road Runner cartoons?  Man, I loved those.

That stupid f*cking Wile E. Coyote practically went to the ends of the earth to kill that pesky Road Runner, and every time, it blew up right in his stupid coyote face.

I mean, literally.  Like ten sticks of dynamite from the Acme Dynamite Company blew up on his head…or he got pushed off a cliff….or unceremoniously crushed by a boulder.  And lived to tell about it.  EVERY. FRIGGIN’. TIME.

If Mr. Coyote was a cat with just nine lives, he would have croaked in 1966.

Anyway..aren’t we just seeing the same slapstick silliness in politics today?  The Coyote Democrats dying a political death every time they roll out their impeachment scheme du jour…ya know, the one that finally…FINALLY…leads to the demise of Road Runner Trump.

Even after half-senile Bobby Mueller pushed them off that political cliff into a tiny cloud of dust…ya think that was going to be the end of it for these one-track-mind Democrats?

I’ll answer that question with another question.

Did the Coyote ever give up?

So, here’s what we all see that the Democrats don’t think we see because they think we’re too f*cking stupid to see…or maybe they’re too stupid to see that we see it.


Anyway…The epicenter of the Dem strategy with this Ukraine nonsense is based upon NOT having the House actually vote on having an impeachment inquiry.

For if they did…

About 30 or so House Democrats who won in 2018 in districts that Trump won in 2016 would have to go on record as giving a thumbs up to impeachment.

So Mother Hen Pelosi is protecting both these House Dems from that uncomfortable vote, AND her House majority by not making these folks come out of the impeachment closet, and risk pissing off most of their constituency.

Secondly…and most importantly…a formal vote approving an impeachment inquiry would bestow upon the Republicans a legitimate role in the process.

The ability to call witnesses, cross-examine…the sorts of things one would expect to happen in a legitimate proceeding.

But with no House vote, we are left with nothing but a one-sided, banana republic kangaroo court…witnesses interviewed in secret…and an orgy of cherry-picked leaks.

As with the Mueller report…exculpatory evidence need not apply.

Ever sit on a jury?  I have. Three times…1st degree murder, rape.  I know, I know…they must have been desperate for jurors.  Hilarious.

Anyway…you gotta hear both sides.  Full stop.  Anything more basic in our system than that?

And save your breath, Libs.  I don’t give a flying f*ck that impeachment is a political…not legal…process.


Fairness talks, bullshit walks.  And at their core, the American people EXPECT…if not DEMAND…fairness.

Especially when trying to impeach a duly elected President, for shit’s sake.

Coincidentally (not really)…we’re also on the cusp of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on FISA ABUSE in the 2016 corruptly concocted Trump/Russian collusion fantasy, as well as U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of this epic Deep State scandal that will be FAR more encompassing…and ultimately…catastrophic to the Democrats.

And relegate Watergate to the JV team of scandals.

Put more bluntly…this shit is going to ROCK. THEIR. WORLD.

The impeachment smokescreen will simply give the Democrats and their media butt-kissers a vehicle by which to consume news cycles, thereby continuing to ignore this unprecedented government corruption.

But like the deadbeat millennial living in Mommy’s basement…it won’t work.

So, as Pelosi and her Flunkies wail…”NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION SAYS WE HAVE TO VOTE!”…they conveniently don’t tell you that in the only other three impeachments EVER in this country…Andrew Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton…an impeachment inquiry was voted upon.

And THAT precedent has been more violated than some alcohol soaked sorority pledge during Rush Week.

So yeah…until a House impeachment inquiry vote happens…and it won’t for all the aforementioned reasons…the White House should tell that bumbling bug-eyed Latka Gravas lookalike Schiff to take his subpoenas and shove’em.

Hard and deep.

The courts are quite sympathetic to historical precedent in these matters.

Latka Gravas?  Jesus.

I REALLY need to stop torturing people with these 40 year old sitcom references.

4 thoughts on “Beep Beep…Beep Beep

  1. Bob Lieberman

    Wow! Just, “Wow!” Trump has blood on his hands by suddenly pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, leaving our Kurdish allies sitting ducks for Turkey, and *this* is your topic? Wow! This action send a message to our world allies that the U.S. can’t be trusted, and *this* is your topic? Wow! All this and Trump said of Turkey in 2015, “I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” and *this* is your topic? Wow!

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Wow! It’s not like I wrote about Trump’s five favorite ice cream flavors. But I completely understand why you don’t want to talk about the impeachment scam.

      I’ll comment on Turkey and Syria next week. You may even be surprised with what you read.😉

      1. Bob Lieberman

        You refer to an “impeachment scam,” yet you cited no scam, just circumstances that you don’t like. For example, you mention that house Democrats correctly state that nothing in the Constitution requires a vote on launching an impeachment inquiry. I get that you don’t like that, and so you fall back on a meager three precedents spaced apart across the span of 150 years. Compare that to the Republicans’ stonewalling on putting Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court justice nomination to a vote in 2016, where the precedent was 14 presidents appointing 21 justices during presidential election years. (Furthermore, a half-dozen lame duck presidents filled Supreme Court seats even though their successors had been elected!)

  2. Stephanie Engels

    Wow. There is a lot to unpack here…let’s play.

    Roadrunner analogy? Lame, with the exception of the “cartoonish” aspect of Trump and his administration. “All the best people”. Two words…Teflon Don. Orange is Donald’s color.

    Pelosi was trying to play the long game and hold off impeachment because rolling into 2020 with a cloud over his head vs a martyr story was a better play. Now his lemming base, who don’t read ACTUAL news, will come out of their caves with their inbred children on their hips and vote for him. That billionaire elitist who preaches to those less fortunate about the evil of elitists? Seems legit and authentic. Unfortunately, most politicians can’t keep everyone in line without threats, manipulation, and bullying so Pelosi had to roll against her wishes. She was playing chess. Trump eats checkers. No one should ever underestimate her ability to win.

    I want to see the list of elected officials she’s protecting in districts that Trump “won”. Many were those who beat the democratic incumbent so, I doubt you can give me anywhere near 30 but, I’m waiting. This is not a factor.

    Next, “Kangaroo court”. If you parrot one more Trumpism, I’m going to have to check out because that means you do not have a mind of your own. Prove me wrong and show me any instance of your use of kangaroo court in a debate prior to him tweeting that. Or “fake news”, or “witch hunt” …the list is long.

    “Orgy of cherry-picked leaks.” Good lord. I say this because I need some divine intervention to keep me from slander. Leaks are coming from within so…maybe…things inside are dark enough that conscious is taking over. God, I hope so. Literally…”God, please.”

    Lastly, lets tackle “duly elected”. Why the need for a disclaimer? Oh. Right. Because he didn’t get the majority so when the majority wants him impeached, your strategy is to criticize and divert. Good luck with that.


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